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Scenery altitude change


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Anybody have a clue why my airports have suddenly risen (see below) Only thing I can think of was removing GSX.


FSX boxed SP1 and 2

Have removed all addon scenery including ORBX Base and Europe


Think I may have to bith the bullet and re-in




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That looks like a mesh issue. You monkey with mesh add-ons? That's one reason why I don't use mesh. I kept having to edit airport elevations.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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Thanks for the reply CRJ.


No, only thing I can think is I had GSX issues and uninstalled. After reinstall all my UK2000 Extreme airports were bugged (large black areas) and my VFR ones were as you have seen. Re installing them didn't make any difference


I have decided to bite the bullet and re-install, with all my addons etc will take the best part of a day. I have backed up all the folder areas so I have everything to hand should I need to reference anything.



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Enko - Been there, done that many times. Look at the positive, you'll have a clean install to work with & this time around you can slowly pick & choose your add-on's you want & if there is a problem, it should show up right after your newest addition. Good luck
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This thread is about p3d elevation corrections but elevation corrections works the same for these addons in fsx.



Thanks man, I know how to do the elevations ok, but it's every airport lol.



Cleaned everything down started re-install got a weird error with SP2, after messing most of the night I gave up. Not like me but FSX can be so frustrating, seeems each time I start it up I need to spend a couple hours chasing stuff that's gone wrong. It's an old install and an old sim right lol.


Have decided ti jump into Prepar3d, lets see if that's any better, can't be so bad.... can it!


Thanks for all the help guys.

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Having real issues getting FSX to re install, never encountered them before, I will figure it out sometime. Sorry AFM, didn't realise there was a way to do large areas, thanks for the heads up.


So Guess what, clean install of P3D, NO addons whatsoever, never been on the machine before and this lol




Couldn't script it lol. Could someone pop to EGNS for me an sanity check.

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