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Problems with Flight plans

Guest Macgomes

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Guest Macgomes

Hello everyone,,,


I have a problem. I would like to use the flight plans from AIG but they come with three files, Airports, Aircraft and Flight Plans. Im not a pro at using Traffic Tools and would like to know another way of compiling them. Please don't point me the Compiling tools as I dont know how to use them. Thanks

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The three files are needed to establish the scenery airport world (in FS) that you have loaded, ai aircraft you have loaded. and the flight plans the ai are to follow.


http://stuff4fs.com/newpage.asp?JS=True&Folder=AIFP is a freeware utility that uses the traffic tools methods and in fact uses ttools for its manuals. It looks complicated but it checks for errors as you go pretty much. It can ttools files and show missing models etc. It will also create airport.txt from your installed scenery as I recall.


It is freeware that I suggest you examine as there is some hand holding. It will also ingest existing ai flight plans creating the files you need that can then be modified and recompiled.


I suggest you take a look. The author is a member of one of the ai flight plan creating organizations and he created this tool to provide a tool to create and modify them. It will take some practice but once you get familiar it really can be a good tool to help in the creation and modification process.

KMSP - Minnesota: Land of 10,000 Puddles

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As ronzie says AIFP is a great tool, one tip if you do use it. There is a tick box for FS9 and one for FSX, so make sure you use the right one.

Once you get in to it, won't be long before you are doing your own plans lol.


Side note:

Going back many years I wanted to get my own ai aircraft flying, I had no idea how to do it and it was ronzie above who walked me through it, I remember the day when I got the first one in the air, it was a C-130, after that I never stopped, I became addicted to doing ai.



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