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CH Flight Sim Yoke and Pedals Do Not Perform Right


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My name is Jimmy E. Wyatt. I'm 76 Years Old. I gave up my 76 Cherokee in 2017 and my 46 Aeronca in Jan 2019. I'm not as sharp as I used to be and have not used my Flight Simulator for a couple Months. A week ago I decided to used the Flight Simulator. Every thing worked perfectly except the Flight Sim Yoke and Pedals. The CH Flight Sim Yoke and CH Pro Pedals USB X Rotation, Y Rotation and 12 Bottons do not work. It turns out that both the Pedals & the yoke are not performing correctly.


I'd appreciate any help.


J. Wyatt

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First check if you have inactivated them in FS2004. Try pressing Ctrl K to toggle them. If that didn't change anything you can press Ctrl K again. If you changed this to something else use those keys instead.


Then make sure they are plugged into active USB ports. Try a memory stick in them to test them.


Then go to the FS2004 Options/Controls/Sensitivities/Joystick/Advanced and checked the settings of your yoke and pedals. First make sure that your devices are listed at all. The sensitivities of my yoke are halfway for ailerons and elevators, and all the way right for the throttle. The null zones are about 1/4 to the right for ailerons and elevators, and all the way left for throttle.


Finally, try calibrating them using Options/Controls/Calibrate Joystick


Hope this helps,

Tom Gibson


CalClassic Propliner Page: http://www.calclassic.com

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