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Strange New Problem


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I have been using FSX boxed version and FSX Steam since they were released and Microsoft Flight Simulator since version 2 back in the early 80s. I also use lots of ORBX scenery and both freeware and purchased aircraft. This new problem is totally new just beginning about 3 weeks ago. The reason I am posting in Flightsim.com is because it appears that something in my FSX-SE is causing it to happen. Everything seems to be OK until I startup the flight sim. I first notice it when I hear a faint clicking sound like what you hear when you are holding down a letter key and the computer is auto typing. If I then go to say, the FSX map and try to type in some different coordinates or altitude it starts typing ................ continuously. If I then go out of FSX and try to go on the internet url line or search box the same thing happens with the periods. Also anywhere you have to type in a response I get the periods. So to get out of this situation I have to do CTRL ALT DEL and click on switch users. I can then go back into my own user account and everything is OK now until I startup FSX again.

The only changes/additions I have applied recently are EZdok/EZCa2 and I have setup Guns for my A2A Warbirds using TacPack. Both of these were working for a couple of weeks before this problem started. EZdok has been installed for a couple of months now. I have also had TacPack and the VRS Superbug for a couple of years now. The one that seems to be most suspect is the changes made to aircraft cgf files, etc in order to get the guns to work in the warbirds. By the way this problem starts no matter which aircraft I load up in FSX so it is not just with the A2A Warbirds.

I seriously doubt if anyone else has this same problem but maybe someone has some ideas. I did do a Google search about this auto typing and it seems that many other people have similar issues but none seem to be more like mine. Most responders to those inquiries think it's a problem with the keyboard and it may be for some of them but this is not my case. I have tried switching keyboards, different usb ports and even different wifi keyboards. Still does it. :confused::(

i7 8700K CPU @ 4.8 GHz, 32 GB DDR4 3000 memory, Gigabyte Aorus Z370 MB, EVGA RTX 2060 Super XC GPU 8GB GDDR6 Memory, MasterAir MA610P CPU cooler, 1TB PCIe NVMe SSD, 500 GB SSD, 2T HDD, 3 Asus 24" monitors, Saitek X56 Rhino HOTAS.[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]
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I had a similar problem to yours with my FSX Gold Edition.


My computer would "type" the letters SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.


This was on my 8 year old Dell i5 3.2 GHz.


I can tell you that my problem occurred more than likely due to an OOM issue. (Although I never was really sure).


I can tell you that it certainly was not an Accessibility issue.


I can tell you it certainly was not a keyboard issue as I am using the same keyboard on my new machine which is way more robust than my old one. I have not had that issue since.


I assume you to be a knowledgeable user as you have been simming since the 80s.


Your machine seems to be robust enough to not suffer from OOM issues but it still is not out of the realm of possibility.


Your use of heavy resource use add-ons MIGHT suggest that.


These are suggestions and may or may not be the remedy but most likely would be good to check.


1. Are you using the HiMem Fix and affinity mask tweak in your config?


2. Have you tried FSX without EZ Dock?


3. Have you tried System restore to a restore point before EZ Dock.


But beyond that I can not offer much advice. But I am interested in how this progresses.


Good luck, Joe

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Here is an update. Last night I loaded up the VRS Superbug and flew it around for an hour. Did all kinds of maneuvers but used no TacPack features. The period typing thing never came up. I logged out of FSX and checked the internet search boxes and no period typing. So I started FSX again and this time loaded the A2A Spitfire, which I have setup with the TacPack guns. After a couple of minutes I started getting the continuous period typing again. I had to go out of FSX and do the change user thing to get rid of it. Today I am going to see what happens with one of the stock FSX planes, but I am feeling pretty confident that this problem is related to the mods to put guns on the A2A aircraft. By the way I have tried disabling EXdoc but the problem persisted.
i7 8700K CPU @ 4.8 GHz, 32 GB DDR4 3000 memory, Gigabyte Aorus Z370 MB, EVGA RTX 2060 Super XC GPU 8GB GDDR6 Memory, MasterAir MA610P CPU cooler, 1TB PCIe NVMe SSD, 500 GB SSD, 2T HDD, 3 Asus 24" monitors, Saitek X56 Rhino HOTAS.[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]
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"1. Are you using the HiMem Fix and affinity mask tweak in your config?


2. Have you tried FSX without EZ Dock?


3. Have you tried System restore to a restore point before EZ Dock."


I am not sure about the HiMem and Affinity Mask. I have done many tweeks over the years. Where would I check for these?


I have tried disabling EXdoc. Problem still persists. I am not ready to do a system restore yet. I put a lot of work into the A2A guns and EZdoc cameras. I don't want to loose it if that aint it.


"Have you mapped a switch on your Rhino to call a command that is also mapped to the "." key? Is that switch, perhaps, in the ON position? Try flipping each toggle switch to see if the problem stops. Hope you get it fixed-sounds frustrating."


The only thing on my Rhino that I have programmed using the HOTAS software is the slider on the throttle. It is set up as brakes using the "." key. I did this after taking the brakes off of the trigger so I could use the guns. I mapped the brakes on the throttle using the HOTAS software because for some unknown reason FSUIPC does not recognize the slider on the Rhino X56. Previously I was using Saitek X52 and had variable brakes setup for my slider using FSUIPC but I could not do it with the X56.

i7 8700K CPU @ 4.8 GHz, 32 GB DDR4 3000 memory, Gigabyte Aorus Z370 MB, EVGA RTX 2060 Super XC GPU 8GB GDDR6 Memory, MasterAir MA610P CPU cooler, 1TB PCIe NVMe SSD, 500 GB SSD, 2T HDD, 3 Asus 24" monitors, Saitek X56 Rhino HOTAS.[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]
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The only thing on my Rhino that I have programmed using the HOTAS software is the slider on the throttle. It is set up as brakes using the "." key. I did this after taking the brakes off of the trigger so I could use the guns. I mapped the brakes on the throttle using the HOTAS software because for some unknown reason FSUIPC does not recognize the slider on the Rhino X56. Previously I was using Saitek X52 and had variable brakes setup for my slider using FSUIPC but I could not do it with the X56.


If this is the key giving you all the problems, having it mapped to a slider may be exactly why you have the problem. Mapping a single key to a slider can make that key be pressed not just once but repeatedly depending on what you have done. Clear that command from the slider and try FSX again.

Mark Daniels
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Late last night I discovered the source of the period typing. I was in fact the slider being used as brakes. When the brakes were on the computer was typing periods. The reason it was still going after I shut down FSX was because I was leaving the brakes on instead of using the parking brakes. Now all I need to do is find out why FSUIPC doesn't recognize the slider switch on my X56. When I had my X52 I had the slider set up as variable brakes and it worked great. But now with the X56 when I try to set up the slider it doesn't even register on the FSUIPC setup.

I really appreciate all the suggestion I received on this issue from the forum members.

Period problem solved.


i7 8700K CPU @ 4.8 GHz, 32 GB DDR4 3000 memory, Gigabyte Aorus Z370 MB, EVGA RTX 2060 Super XC GPU 8GB GDDR6 Memory, MasterAir MA610P CPU cooler, 1TB PCIe NVMe SSD, 500 GB SSD, 2T HDD, 3 Asus 24" monitors, Saitek X56 Rhino HOTAS.[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]
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