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FSrecorder Question: How to play both "play as traffic" and normal "play"?

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Boy it's been awhile since I've been on these threads. Anyways, does anyone know if it's possible to play FSrecorder as "play" but also have "play as traffic" going at the same time? If I set "play as traffic", it locks out the option to play as "play", but if I set "play", it locks out the ability to "play as traffic". I'm looking at making some FSX videos and the only video recording software I have, OBS, is very laggy for me when I record with it.
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I never got FSRecorder working again after I built this machine in '15 so I can't check into that for you. That being said, I was delighted to find that JoinFS has a somewhat similar recording function. It's not quite as robust as FSRecorder but my Machynlleth video features one segment with an A400 and two Harriers; all recorded and flown-with multiple times . How-to: record first Harrier flight; play Harrier-1 and fly Harrier-2 (recording both); Play Harrier-1, Harrier-2 composite while recording them and the A400 I flew live. Replay 3 plane composite while running OBS. "Filmed" the final flight recording so I could manage camera views instead of having to fly...


You didn't offer your computer specs so all I can say is make sure it's optimized, no extra crap or services running to take up resources. I fly at 1080p but record sometimes at 720p (30fps) and I think they still looked fine on UTube. OS and FSX/P3D are on SSD's. You can see my specs in the signature below


The 3-plane portion of

begins at 23:12 if you'd care to see how it turned out.



Hooked since FS4... now flying:

self-built i7-4790 at 4 GHz; GA-Z97X mobo; GTX 970; 16GB gskill;

quiet, fast and cool running.

Win 7/64: 840 EVO OS; 840 EVO (500G) game drive;

Win10/64: 850 EVO (500G) for OS and games

A few Flightsim videos on YouTube at CanyonCorners

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I'm on FSX:SE and only FSrecorder 1.3 works with FSX:SE; 2.181a does not work.


My PC specs are:

2009 Gateway DX4831 Office PC

Windows 7

Intel Core i3 CPU

530 @ 2.93GHz

6GB of RAM (5.87 usable)

64-bit Operating System


My FSX Specs:

No shadows

Advanced animations

Hi-Res 3D Cockpit

Landing Lights illuminate ground

No light bloom, lens flare, or DX10 preview

Trilinear Filtering without anti-alaising

Target Frame Rate of 25fps

Maxed out/large scenery detail radius

Maxed out/100 mesh complexity

Maxed out/1m mesh resolution

Maxed out/7cm texture resolution

Low 2.x water effects

Land detail textures checked

Very dense scenery complexity

Sparse autogen

No ground scenery shadows

Maxed out/high special effects

Natural thermal visualization

Detailed 3D clouds

90mi cloud draw distance

70% airline traffic density

70% general aviation traffic density (plus whatever GA traffic is generated by the FSX GA-Traffic program)

100% Max airport vehicle density

20% Road vehicle density

70% ships/ferries density

30% boat density



Those are my FSX settings. I've gone through optimization before with my FSX and the scenery and traffic are probably my biggest frame hoggers. One thing to note, in places like Idaho or Montana were there isn't a ton of traffic, my FSX runs above 30FPS and is smooth as silk, but when I fly in my home area of the Puget Sound/Seattle area, my frames dip below 20 and sometimes bounce between 8-15 FPS. It gets even worse from their with OBS open and recording (5 FPS).


I found that it doesn't matter whether my scenery is maxed out or around the half-way mark; I still get low FPS in my home area. I've decreased road and boat traffic as I heard they eat a lot of frames, and I've turned of shadows awhile ago too, but I don't want to decrease AI aircraft traffic since it keeps my home airport & airspace busy and makes it like it is IRL.

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At 2.9 Ghz i3 and 5 gb Ram you are getting all you CAN get out of FSE. If FSRecorder is working you can RENDER video using FSRecorder. You start an Instant Replay then go back to menu and choose Render. When done, go STOP replay, then go back to menu, and STOP rendering (sperately). It will render at 3 to 10 fps but the result should be 20 to 30 fps video. It will be saved as *.wmv and file size for 3 min=300 to 500 mb. But it takes 5 times longer to RENDER than to do INSTAN REPLAY so you have to understand that that is the 'catch'. But, still, is much better than using OBS in my humble opinion. I also use FRAPS to record live or instant replay (FSX or FSRecorder) which works even though the file size for 3 min=4.5 Gb!! What I do is use HANDBRAKE program (free) that ('encodes') reduces the Fraps video's (that I want to 'keep') file size from 4 Gb (*.avi) to 200 Mb (*.mp4). Then I use Sony Vegas 11 Platinum to glue the clips together. It all takes TIME which not all of us have much to spare. I do - I am retired. Ha.

Chuck B


i7 2600K @ 3.4 Ghz (Turbo-Boost to 3.877 Ghz), Asus P8H67 Pro, Super Talent 8 Gb DDR3/1333 Dual Channel, XFX Radeon R7-360B 2Gb DDR5, Corsair 650 W PSU, Dell 23 in (2048x1152), Windows7 Pro 64 bit, MS Sidewinder Precision 2 Joy, Logitech K-360 wireless KB & Mouse, Targus PAUK10U USB Keypad for Throttle (F1 to F4)/Spoiler/Tailhook/Wing Fold/Pitch Trim/Parking Brake/Snap to 2D Panel/View Change. Installed on 250 Gb (D:). FS9 and FSX Acceleration (locked at 30 FPS).
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To answer the thread question: Here is how FSRecorder works. You fly around. You do and instant replay and record that and save it (name). You then go play back the saved recording (name) and when it starts you can join in. You then record THAT (ai traffic it is called) and you together and save it (name). You then go play back the saved recording (ai and you in picture). You can then join where there will be 3 simobjects flying together and record that and save with (name). Rinse & Repeat. It's a lot of work and hard to get your head around it but just stop and think it out. The key is giving each a unique name (name1=initial record, name2 is 2 flying, name3=3 flying together, etc).


I had 7 vehicles racing around the airport, passing each other, etc. When I got done I recorded the whole thing with FRAPS (back in 2009). Here is link: https://youtu.be/VeL9yG7aJkI .

Chuck B


i7 2600K @ 3.4 Ghz (Turbo-Boost to 3.877 Ghz), Asus P8H67 Pro, Super Talent 8 Gb DDR3/1333 Dual Channel, XFX Radeon R7-360B 2Gb DDR5, Corsair 650 W PSU, Dell 23 in (2048x1152), Windows7 Pro 64 bit, MS Sidewinder Precision 2 Joy, Logitech K-360 wireless KB & Mouse, Targus PAUK10U USB Keypad for Throttle (F1 to F4)/Spoiler/Tailhook/Wing Fold/Pitch Trim/Parking Brake/Snap to 2D Panel/View Change. Installed on 250 Gb (D:). FS9 and FSX Acceleration (locked at 30 FPS).
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Cool video. I've been messing around with FSrecorder this past week, mainly creating "AI" (replay as traffic feature) aircraft going around the pylons at Reno and it looks great. I know how to use FSrecorder (1.3 is pretty simply) but I was asking if I could do both "play" and "play as traffic" at the same time, but it appears I can't.


As for video recording, I think I'll just have to bring my terrain/scenery sliders down a bit and bring the traffic sliders way down when I want to do a video. I updated my OBS to the latest version and it appears the FPS hit isn't as intense anymore (still noticeable but not as bad as before).

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I know how to use FSrecorder (1.3 is pretty simply) but I was asking if I could do both "play" and "play as traffic" at the same time, but it appears I can't.


Yes you can. You just select multiple files in the 'play' dialog and it plays all but one file as traffic. I made many of my

this way.




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I guess he missed the tip to 'use advanced play'. Here is a pic of that FSRecorder window. He might be lost when he gets there (I know I was). Perhaps you can give him (us?) a tip on how to proceed and what he need (recorded flights?) to continue. It is HARD to get one's head around FSRecorder features. But one can prevail if you read (and re-read) the manual topics. A lot to absorb in one day I guess. Gave me fits at first. Thanks Mark. And you play the guitar very well indeed. Cheers.

Chuck B


Edit: On that screen you can designate one of the simobjects (that are going to fly together)to be: 'Set User Acft'. Sorry about the abreviation Nels (hehe).

i7 2600K @ 3.4 Ghz (Turbo-Boost to 3.877 Ghz), Asus P8H67 Pro, Super Talent 8 Gb DDR3/1333 Dual Channel, XFX Radeon R7-360B 2Gb DDR5, Corsair 650 W PSU, Dell 23 in (2048x1152), Windows7 Pro 64 bit, MS Sidewinder Precision 2 Joy, Logitech K-360 wireless KB & Mouse, Targus PAUK10U USB Keypad for Throttle (F1 to F4)/Spoiler/Tailhook/Wing Fold/Pitch Trim/Parking Brake/Snap to 2D Panel/View Change. Installed on 250 Gb (D:). FS9 and FSX Acceleration (locked at 30 FPS).
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I guess he missed the tip to 'use advanced play'. Here is a pic of that FSRecorder window


Thanks Chuck. Actually he is right insofar as you need an older version for FSX-SE, and it doesn't have the 'advanced play' menu. But as I said, the functionality is still there. It's all in the manual, of course :)


I would have considered doing a tutorial video about FS-Recorder but since there is no version for P3Dv4 I don't think it's worth the trouble now. It's a shame, there's nothing else like FS-Recorder.




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