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TTools one way schedule


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Do lot of AI scheduling using great Lee Swordy's TTools but the design seems to always call for the aircraft to depart and then return to the same airport.


Is there any way I can use the TTools to program the flight one way only? Start at one airport and terminate at other, not returning.


Has to do with dual airport (two afcad) logistics when the departing aircraft use one runway and arriving aircraft use the opposite one (as in Lukla).


Thanks for any advise.


Peter Bendl

ex. British Airways

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Is there any way I can use the TTools to program the flight one way only? Start at one airport and terminate at other, not returning.

No, all flight plans are a loop.



the Bean

WWOD---What Would Opa Do? Farewell, my freind (sp)


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I found a way and it worked, I had the aircraft leave airport 'A' then go to an invisible airport in the sky I created that acted like a waypoint, it did a touch and go and then returned to airport 'A'


After that I created some more invisible airports and had the AI fly in a circular route to each one doing a touch and go then return to base.



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Your question isn't really grounded in common sense or logic. You create a flight plane for a plane, it goes from airport A to airport B then just sits there on the tarmac doing nothing all the while taking up space.


Like already mentioned you can't do this and they are in a loop. Unless you do that invisible airport in the sky and just keep AI up there all the time just for the sake of not having them go anywhere. Just doesn't make any sense. Now if M$ had coded the game so that you could have the plane disappear like they do when there's no adequate parking, then I guess that would achieve your expected result. But the Sim is not like that unless you remove all parking from the airport or have inadequate parking spot sizes that can't accommodate the plane.


So question: Why do you want a plane to takeoff and just stay at an airport?

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

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I found a way and it worked, I had the aircraft leave airport 'A' then go to an invisible airport in the sky I created that acted like a waypoint, it did a touch and go and then returned to airport 'A'


After that I created some more invisible airports and had the AI fly in a circular route to each one doing a touch and go then return to base.




This is done with a lot of MAIW traffic files. And it's done in such a way to create formations. I've flown around Arizona and California and noticed F-15's and what have you fly near me in formation.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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Hi Aaron, yes I have a few of their aircraft doing that, those guys are great.


I misread the ops post, sorry my mistake. Another way may be to do a monthly flight plan like you can with AIFP, though I've never done one myself. Have the aircraft leave point 'A' and go to point 'B' on 1st of the month and return on the 31st, it isn't exactly a one way but it will give the elusion of a one way flight.


I've only ever done 24hr and weekly plans myself, I must experiment more with AIFP lol.



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