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How to add FSXSE airports to Little Navmap?

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I downloaded and ran Little Navmap. But it's not showing airports.


At the bottom, it says "Connected (FSX/P3D)" and "Database empty."


In the "Scenery Library" menu, there is a "Load Scenery Libary" dialog, but the simulator drop down lists only "X-Plane 11".


I have the "Show airports" buttons on.


How do I add FSX:SE airports?

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On the Load Scenery Library window under the Simulator entry you should have two other options - one for the base path and the other for the scenery.cfg file location - you can use these to navigate to the FSX-SE install.


Click on the Select button at the right hand side of each entry and navigate to the appropriate install locations:


For the base path it will be were you have installed steam in the following structure:




For the scenery.cfg file it should be:


C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX\Scenery.CFG or C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX-SE\Scenery.CFG - this entry will depend on whether you have had a previous install of the boxed version of FSX along side the -SE install.




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Thanks for the tip. However...


I found my D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FSX folder. It contains lots of .dlls and .exes, among many other files. It also has lots of subdirectories, including Config, Dialogs, DLC, effects, flights, lessons, SDK, setup, and many more.


But when I specify D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FSX in the Little Navmap 2.2.4 Load Scenery Library dialog as Flight Simulator Base Path, I get an error message:


Cannot read "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FSX".

Reason: "Resources\default data" not found.


Sure enough, there is no "Resources" directory under "FSX".


(As I mentioned, "X-Plane 11", the only choice available, is showing in the "Simulator" dropdown.)


Am I in the right place? Or is there some other directory that Little Navmap is looking for?

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You need to direct LittleNavMap to the scenery.cfg file so that LittleNavMap knows what you have to build upon. It was already explained in the post above.


Since this is the Steam version of FSX, the scenery.cfg file is in a different location than where it would be in FSX boxed. I don't have the Steam version of FSX, but it looks like from the post above the scenery.cfg file is located in C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX\Scenery.CFG or C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX-SE\Scenery.CFG


Longbreak goes on to say, "this entry will depend on whether you have had a previous install of the boxed version of FSX along side the -SE install."



Have a look at my screen shots from my install. You can clearly see how it's using the scenery.cfg path.










Since it seems that LittleNavMap has a hard time finding the scenery.cfg path if one is using the Steam version of FSX, you might want to tell the developer that at the Github page where the code resides. Or I guess I can do it since I have a Github account and told him already about a small issue in the program that was fixed.




At the very top click Issues. Open issue.



OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

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And there is no Resources folder. That error is just computer jargon.


Just make sure you set the path to your Sim, then set the path for your scenery.cfg file. The selection to pick FSX or X-Plane is just there to make it easier for an auto fill of those path boxes. In your case you'll have to set the paths manually.


Note that the programdata folder may be hidden in Windows. In this case you'll need to go to the control panel in Windows, under Folder Options and select show hidden files, folders and drives.



Another way is to just use Everything.exe and search for scenery.cfg. It will find it in a New York city millisecond. Then go in that folder, click the address bar above and you can copy the path. Though, I think you still need to go into the folder options and change the way the address bar in windows shows paths. But with Everything.exe it will show all files whether they are hidden or not and whether you can see hidden files or not.

















Now your gonna find more than one scenery.cfg file, but the one your looking for is in the programdata directory and in which has been modified with the most recent date and time. The others there will most likely say from 2006.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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Has anyone gotten Little Navmap to run with FSX:SE?


My "Simulator" drop down lists only "X-Plane 11", compared to the screenshots above, which show "Microsoft Flight Simulator X".


My simulator drop down does not list "Microsoft Flight Simulator X". Only "X-Plane 11" can be selected.


The "Scenery Configuration File" text box and button are disabled. I cannot enter a path there nor click on the "Select:" button. I suspect this is because "X-Plane 11" is the only option available under "Simulator".


Perhaps this is because I am running FSX:SE.

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A couple of points to consider....


1. Have you actually run FSX, flown a quick 2-3 min flight and then closed down the sim. This is required to create essential files that are not present until you have carried out this action. One such file is the scenery.cfg file.


2. When you select the Flight Simulator Base Path you need to drill down into the FSX folder, find and select the FSX.exe file (e.g. highlight the file by single clicking on it) and press OK. This will confirm the location as being valid and set the path.




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A couple of points to consider....


1. Have you actually run FSX, flown a quick 2-3 min flight and then closed down the sim. This is required to create essential files that are not present until you have carried out this action. One such file is the scenery.cfg file.


I only have FSX:SE. I do not have FSX (box or whatever it is called). I do have a scenery.cfg file. As I mentioned above, Little Navmap does not allow me to select the scenery.cfg file.


2. When you select the Flight Simulator Base Path you need to drill down into the FSX folder, find and select the FSX.exe file (e.g. highlight the file by single clicking on it) and press OK. This will confirm the location as being valid and set the path.


In my version of Little Navmap (2.2.4), this dialog is "select folder" not "select file".

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Since it seems that LittleNavMap has a hard time finding the scenery.cfg path if one is using the Steam version of FSX, you might want to tell the developer that at the Github page where the code resides. Or I guess I can do it since I have a Github account and told him already about a small issue in the program that was fixed.


Thanks for the tip. I looked at the link you gave, and saw where there was a bug reported, and fixed, in 2016 labelled "FSX SE not correctly recognized". However, it is not clear to me how the bug was fixed; it says "Working ok with FSX and FSXSE parallel installation."


So I am still wondering if Little Navmap 2.2.4 works with FSX:SE alone (no FSX box install). I'll try to add that question there.

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Thanks so much, all you good folks. I have been having a bit of trouble with LNM on my second computer. This solved all ills and issues!





Bill Mattson


Airspeed, altitude and ideas, bad to run out of all three at the same time

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OMG Win damn 10. I so hate, utterly HATE that OS. Yeah, it would probably be good practice to run everything as Admin if you use 10. M$ thinks they can elevate malware or some dumb crap with their Admin account crap. Truth of the matter is you'll still end up with malware and all those extra permissions do is serve to cause frustration. Especially forced updates that can and will do more harm than good. Is an OS that broken that it needs constant updates?


Anyway, just one reason why I'm sticking to 7 for a while. When I do go 10 I'm going to use a tool to strip a lot of crap from it then use some tools to take back control of MY own OS and run a hardware-based firewall so no telemetry and crap goes to M$ by blocking all of their ASNs. Such crap that you have to do all that just to have an OS without forced updates and what have you. But I know how to deploy and do all that so it's not much of an issue. 99% of everyone else doesn't know how to do that so they're stuck with the product M$ gives you.



Did you mention at Github that running LittleNavMap as Admin in 10 works?

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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You're not running FSX in the programs folder, are you? That may give you all kinds of issues since the programs folder has protection and it can be a source of issues with add-ons. You'd want to install it to something like C:\steam\FSX


Sorry to lay this on you now, but it may be better to reinstall as early as possible to the root of C before you go on and add things to the Sim further complicating a future reinstall.



Do you see in my screenshot how my install is in C drive?

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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@ BuffaloSpeedway,


No need to do what is described in your link. That will mean installing both the client AND downloading, installing and activating FSX again.


Steam and the game content is best viewed as two separate entities - the Client and the Library.


The Client is your gateway to Steam - i.e. the website, shop and your library listing etc.


The Library is the actual physically downloaded games.


You can leave the client where it is and move the library to a new separate location without downloading or reactivation. This can be on the same drive or a different drive entirely. You can even set a new default install path for all library items or set individual install paths when installing a new item. See HERE on how to do it




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Brian, thanks for the clarification.


As discussed in your link, my default Steam library folder (the one with the "steamapps" directory) is not on my C: drive.


However, there are some (but not all) files duplicated between there and the other "Steam Library Folder" listed in the Steam settings dialog, C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam. I have no idea how that happened or if it is normal or if it's the cause of my woes:




I am somewhat hesitant to move all the executables out of Program Files.

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Based on the screenshot it would appear that at some stage you have moved/changed the install path for your library. It is worth noting that, as you have stated, if you have moved the library element into its own area, the Client still retains some info that allows for updates to the library contents to be made.


There should be no need to make any changes to the Client but, if you wish, you can use the move procedures that have been outlined to move the client to another location without having to reinstall.


Based on the fact that you have got Little NavMap to work using admin rights, it may be the location of its installation folder that is causing the problem and not Steam




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