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AI traffic files in another folder.


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When I was running Windows 7 I had my AI traffic files in a folder in the Addon Scenery and it worked.

Now I have upgraded to Window10 for some reason it isn't working, or is there something else I need to do?


In my Addon Scenery\Scenery folder I have a few afcads that's all, or is there a better place to do this and I don't mean the World\Scenery folder either?



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Yes, I have a few ORBX scenery that seems to be top of the list, and the default folders are at the bottom.

I did try and activate the scenery folder and I got a message saying it was already active.


I'll have another look at it.


Came back to add: Yes definitely active.



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OTOH thinking about it: why place AI files in the Addon Scenery folder?

As the latter should always be active IMO, why not place that AI in Scenery/World as well?


Placing AI in separate folders works, but I would choose dedicated folders, which can be activated/deactivated as you like. E.g. a folder for Calclassic vintage AI, one for MAIW, etc...



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Well that is how I used to have them, I had a few separate folder for different types and I did deactivate when needed.

I was trying to get one to work first before I added any more, I already have a lot of AI traffic files in the World\Scenery already that is why I wanted to have specialised folders.



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Hi Col,


As traffic files are simply .bgl scenery files you can place then in any activated folder. This folder can be within FSX or outside of FSX. The folder structure MUST follow FSX conventions in that the files themselves are placed in a subfolder called Scenery - for example:






These examples without the scenery subfolder will not work as FSX will not recognise the .bgl files






I have all of my traffic files, and indeed all of my addon scenery (bar a few payware items that would only install into FSX) outside of FSX in a dedicated folder structure based on my needs. My traffic files are placed in a variety of folders to allow me to control activation/deactivation as suggested by Wim in post #4.




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I tried your example but no luck, I had this working in Win7 but maybe Win10 is different.

It's not.

A good time to go back to basics, and see if those AI flightplans actually work at all (eg by placing them in Scenery\World\scenery).

Could be you didn't reinstall the associated aircraft (I don't know your history on upgrading to W10, so could be I'm saying something really stupid).



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Hi Wim,


Yes they do work in the other folder, I have all my AI in the default world\Scenery folder and they are fine, it's just that it is getting a bit crowded and I remember have them in separate folders in Win7 Addon Scenery, it is easier to keep track of them like that.



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Curious. Do you have FSX installed to the program files folder? If so, that could be the source of your issue. Next. When you right click the FSX.exe icon, is run as administrator turned on?


I highly recommend the Scenery Config Editor program. You can easily manage, add and remove scenery right from the interface both for FS2004 and FSX. So with that you can easily add a path to what ever scenery you're trying to activate no matter where it's located. Just make sure that after you add/remove/edit a scenery entry you go to File and Save.





I believe it's coded in Java so if you don't have that you'll need it. https://www.java.com/en/download/windows_xpi.jsp


Now mind you I would not allow Java to run in your browser for security reasons unless you need it for a specific reason. So make sure you go into your browser's plugins settings and either disable Java or select it to ask on activation. I've never ran across a website that needed Java so I chose to keep it disabled in my browser.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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.......show an example screenshot and how to go about it please?




Hi Col,


No need for a screenshot as it is easier to describe - do this:


First note the folder and subsequent subfolders can be named whatever you want and can be placed on any drive. However, to get a feel for what I mean and for basic testing to see if the procedure will resolve your issue I suggest using the folder names I state:


1. Create a new root level folder called SceneryTest - eg C:\SceneryTest


2. Open this folder and create a subfolder called AITraffic - eg C:\SceneryTest\AITraffic


3. Open the AITraffic folder and create another subfolder called Scenery - eg C:\SceneryTest\AITraffic\Scenery


4. Place a traffic file into the Scenery subfolder.


5. Start FSX and open the Scenery settings page.


6. Activate the new folder.


TIP - You may be neglecting this well know issue (that become apparent in Win 7 and is relevant to all versions of windows since) and simple trick - it MAY BE the reason why the files aren't working. When you have navigated the folder location (i.e. when the open window shows the Scenery subfolder entry) LEFT click anywhere on the white space AND then click OK.


7. Test FSX


I also give a big +1 to CRJ_simpilot suggestion regarding SCE. Its a very powerful tool, allows you to add new scenery without having to start FSX/FS2004 and will flag any problem areas. The big plus is that when adding new areas you don't need to remember to click on the white area as it is not needed.




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Hi Col,


Now you have the basics it should be easy to create a folder structure to meet your needs....


WRT the current location created for the test. If you used my example you have three options....


Option 1 - Deactivate and then remove the entry in FSX settings before deleting the folder structure.


Option 2 - Deactivate and then remove the entry in FSX settings then rename the root folder name to something more suitable before re-adding/activating it in FSX


Option 3 - Rename the root folder to something more appropriate and then open the scenery.cfg file in notepad and amend the entry for it as follows:


This is an example (from my .cfg) of a standard scenery entry for an item stored outside of FSX



Title=Rwy12 Library

Local=D:\Addon Scenery\Object Libraries\Rwy12 Library





The Local= entry is what tells FSX where to locate the scenery and the portion in RED is the bit that you would need to change - e.g. from SceneryTest to what ever you have changed it to.


After making the change save the file and when you next start FSX it will rebuild the database.


Note that if you decide to use SCE, it has a built in editor. If you select the area in the standard view list and then swap to the editor it will open at the selected area...




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