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saving edited CFG's on windows 10?


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if this is the wrong place sorry. but how do I save a CFG I have worked on windows10? I got my new computer yesterday and had to get some help to get FSX up and running. I got all my files out and ready to install. but I can't get my aircraft textures saved in the CFG. it tells me I don't have permission to do so and won't save the changes. I also want to remove the break banner but can't save it when I made the changes.
giving up on flight simulation for good:D
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One of the first things I do when I install 7 is turn off that asinine, problematic, pile of crap, USELESS UAC.


If 10 is anything like 7, you should be able to go to search, enter UAC and there you can turn it off completely.


Trust me, M$ is no Linux when it comes to chmod, permissions and all this crap. You can have UAC tuned on all the way to high and I can guarantee you you'll still end up with malware. Especially if it's polymorphic.


And yeah, DO NOT, I repeat, do not install to the programs folder. That folder is emulated and protected. This is true for Vista on up. XP being the exception. And what a fine OS it was. LOL If I could still run XP I would. I'd dual boot my computer with XP on one HDD and 7 on another. Unfortunately, my MOBO maker doesn't supply XP drivers, and I doubt the Win 7 drivers would work in XP.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

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One of the first things I do when I install 7 is turn off that asinine, problematic, pile of crap, USELESS UAC.


Every other operating system restricts what places you can write to. Windows is now no different, thankfully.


Trust me, M$ is no Linux when it comes to chmod, permissions and all this crap. You can have UAC tuned on all the way to high and I can guarantee you you'll still end up with malware. Especially if it's polymorphic.


NTFS has far more advanced permissions than chmod, and has had so for 25 years now. The reason why you keep getting hacked is because people like you insist on running everything as root and writing willy-nilly to the filesystem. There's a reason why Unix and MacOS prevents you from doing such silliness.



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One of the first things I do when I install 7 is turn off that asinine, problematic, pile of crap, USELESS UAC.


If 10 is anything like 7, you should be able to go to search, enter UAC and there you can turn it off completely.


Trust me, M$ is no Linux when it comes to chmod, permissions and all this crap. You can have UAC tuned on all the way to high and I can guarantee you you'll still end up with malware. Especially if it's polymorphic.


And yeah, DO NOT, I repeat, do not install to the programs folder. That folder is emulated and protected. This is true for Vista on up. XP being the exception. And what a fine OS it was. LOL If I could still run XP I would. I'd dual boot my computer with XP on one HDD and 7 on another. Unfortunately, my MOBO maker doesn't supply XP drivers, and I doubt the Win 7 drivers would work in XP.


I hate to make it sound like I am arguing with you but. I have always run FSX in the C:86 folder I tried once to put it some where else and it don't work there. and yes when I get a new computer I also turn off the UAC and the program compatibility manager. because when installing a program or something for my flight simulator that gets in the way. but yes I have also figured out how to work on my CFG's and get them saved now. :) happy flying

giving up on flight simulation for good:D
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Wow. And all this time I thought it was just checking, or un-checking User permissions from the security tab. I actually use that sometimes and uncheck User permissions when I'm on Steam's multiplayer. If I have certain SimObjects, ships, vehicles, etc.., that I know that Steam's users online don't have, then I don't want them triggering on my collection of stuff by accident. Anyways, the .cfg. I thought you were talking about permissions where you have to have Users checked or you won't be allowed to do anything at all. I guess win 10 is something different, or whatever.







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Every other operating system restricts what places you can write to. Windows is now no different, thankfully.




NTFS has far more advanced permissions than chmod, and has had so for 25 years now. The reason why you keep getting hacked is because people like you insist on running everything as root and writing willy-nilly to the filesystem. There's a reason why Unix and MacOS prevents you from doing such silliness.




I didn't say I get "hacked." LMAO


And who says Linux isn't unhackable? It's only used in like 90% of all servers, and guess what? Servers do get hacked on a regular basis.


It's all in how you do things and the security you deploy. For me that encompasses a slew of different things. Both with my computers and website.


UAC is a fallacy!



noun, plural fal·la·cies.


a deceptive, misleading, or false notion, belief, etc.: That the world is flat was at one time a popular fallacy.

a misleading or unsound argument.

deceptive, misleading, or false nature; erroneousness.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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I hate to make it sound like I am arguing with you but. I have always run FSX in the C:86 folder I tried once to put it some where else and it don't work there. and yes when I get a new computer I also turn off the UAC and the program compatibility manager. because when installing a program or something for my flight simulator that gets in the way. but yes I have also figured out how to work on my CFG's and get them saved now. :) happy flying




I and probably many other simmers don't have that issue. Your path would be C:\FSX. You direct FSX to install to the FSX folder directly under C drive.


The only thing I can think of that would prevent you from runing from that location is anti-virus software or something. There's something on your machine interacting with your FS install. It shouldn't do that at all.


If you install the programs folder you'll get issues in one way or another, sooner or latter. I can almost guarantee that.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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Wow. And all this time I thought it was just checking, or un-checking User permissions from the security tab. I actually use that sometimes and uncheck User permissions when I'm on Steam's multiplayer. If I have certain SimObjects, ships, vehicles, etc.., that I know that Steam's users online don't have, then I don't want them triggering on my collection of stuff by accident. Anyways, the .cfg. I thought you were talking about permissions where you have to have Users checked or you won't be allowed to do anything at all. I guess win 10 is something different, or whatever.






Nope I disable the UAC altogether. I never use it. I want to tell the computer what to do I don't need the computer to tell me what I can do. I also disable the sticky keys for the keyboard cause that can mess with the flight simulator as well

giving up on flight simulation for good:D
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