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Hi All, Hope everyone had a great Christmas.


Lately I've been getting a strange reaction when I try to access myairplane for the charts. Every time I try to pull up the website all I get is a blank white page with "page ok" in the upper left corner but nothing else. I've tried doing a Google search and didn't find anything. I've tried going to the website by typing "myairplane.com" in the URL bar and get the same thing.


Ideas, suggestions???





Bill Mattson


Airspeed, altitude and ideas, bad to run out of all three at the same time

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Just a quick followup. I've tried to access myairplane on 2 computers and get the same thing. I'm thinking their site is down or they are simply gone.




Bill Mattson


Airspeed, altitude and ideas, bad to run out of all three at the same time

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