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Any here know how to do a combat landing in a he-111?


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It looked to me, from what I could see without being able to see the instruments, as though you landed WAAAY fast. Not to mention floating a long ways down what little runway there is. Did you check if you were above the gear and flap speeds?


If it were me, I would spiral down, similar to what you did, but with the speed brakes out to help control speed. Maybe flaps too, if you get slow enough. Do it off the TD point on the runway by say 1 mile or two. Once you're down to about 800' AGL, still off the TD end of the runway, and maybe offset to the right by about a wing-length, straighten and level on the runway heading, on the upwind leg of the approach. Then, just do a normal, overhead recovery.


Down the upwind at a normal flight speed, inspecting the runway for damage, or blockage. Once you get to the Departure end of the runway, bring it around in a tight, say 60°, left bank, , level turn to downwind. Engines to idle, speed brakes out. Once you slow to flap and gear speed, full flaps, gear down, ie: enter a normal landing configuration for the plane.

Landing checklist on the downwind, while descending to about 600' AGL. once you're about 45° off the Approach end of the runway, bring the plane left, with about a 30°, descending to about 400' AGL. Adjust as needed to bring you around to the runway heading, level the wings, and come down to the end of the runway just above stall. Land normally, as close to the Approach end of the runway as possible. Don't float, maintain a normal descent to touchdown. No flare. That should plant you firmly on the Approach end of the runway, without floating 2/3's of the runway. Make sure you don't land so hard you damage the gear, though. Adjust your descent rate, and the plane's speed, as needed BEFORE you get to the touchdown point.

Stall just as you touch. Full speed brakes, and gentle on the wheel brakes. If the props can, use beta thrust.


Not only will you have checked the runway for bomb craters, crashed aircraft, and so on, but you will have kept full control of the plane's speed the whole way, better than you did in the video. Heck, if you have to, do a final 360° turn once you get to approach altitude, to get your speed back under control. To me, that was the greatest problem you had. Trying to land too fast, so you floated waaaay to far down a short runway.


I know, this is, mainly, a Navy procedure, but they've been using it for land and sea-borne approaches for a long time, for very good reasons! :) The Air Force uses it too, when the airport permits.


Does this help at all? It's not the German method, I would think, but I don't know their procedures, so it might be something similar. It's what I'd do, anyway :D


All this is just my own, personal opinion. There may be procedures in the Luftwaffe for another, entirely different way to do it. This is just my opinion on A way to do it. It's probably not THE way, though. Just my way.




Had a thought...then there was the smell of something burning, and sparks, and then a big fire, and then the lights went out! I guess I better not do that again!

Sgt, USMC, 10 years proud service, Inactive reserve now :D

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Back off the speed. When you are pitch down speed picks up. Try to land on the runway right from the beginning instead of over the runway.


Perhaps do the circling maneuvers a couple more miles from the runway to slow down. Maybe just a mile.

OOM errors? Read this.

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