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Is it realistic to shootdown bomber with under 100 machine gun rounds?


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From things I've read, the wing-roots are the plane's Achilles Heel, as it were. Fuel tanks second (think tracers +fuel), engine third, and, obviously, pilot fourth. Quite often, though, cockpits are armored. Sometimes other areas are as well, so you need to know your enemy.

Come up from a little below and on the target's 6 o'clock position, and aim at the wing root, and rudder back and forth a little.

You want to be back at the point where your gun's bullet streams are all aimed to cross one-another when they just reach the target. Get's the most bullets into the plane's vulnerable points at once as possible.


Obviously, if there's any relative motion between you and the target, you want to aim ahead of the target's motion. Lead the target.


Does this help? Really, all it takes is ONE bullet, in the right place, to bring a plane down.



Had a thought...then there was the smell of something burning, and sparks, and then a big fire, and then the lights went out! I guess I better not do that again!

Sgt, USMC, 10 years proud service, Inactive reserve now :D

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From things I've read, the wing-roots are the plane's Achilles Heel, as it were. Fuel tanks second (think tracers +fuel), engine third, and, obviously, pilot fourth. Quite often, though, cockpits are armored. Sometimes other areas are as well, so you need to know your enemy.

Come up from a little below and on the target's 6 o'clock position, and aim at the wing root, and rudder back and forth a little.

You want to be back at the point where your gun's bullet streams are all aimed to cross one-another when they just reach the target. Get's the most bullets into the plane's vulnerable points at once as possible.


Obviously, if there's any relative motion between you and the target, you want to aim ahead of the target's motion. Lead the target.


Does this help? Really, all it takes is ONE bullet, in the right place, to bring a plane down.



valid points. I was of the opinion that the pilot would be the best option but was too dangerous as it required a head on pass. So I went with going after the engines.


Do you know if the ju-52 can fly with only one engine?

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valid points. I was of the opinion that the pilot would be the best option but was too dangerous as it required a head on pass. So I went with going after the engines.


Do you know if the ju-52 can fly with only one engine?


Not for sure, but if I had to guess, and I do, I'd say that with a full load of bombs, no. Jettison/drop the payload, yes. They might also need to jettison some equipment, or fuel, but I'd wager that given adequate weight reduction, yeah they could stay in the air.


Now, minus a WING, or tail surface, probably not. :D


@CRJ, No fair mixing eras :D

I'd bet 1 of that A-10's 30mm rounds wouldn't just remove a JU52's engine, but a lot of the wing too. No need to worry about the convergence point, either. That was the reasoning behind the P-38 fuselage having the guns in the nose. Aside from the room taken up by the engines, that is. It let's the pilot point and shoot. No need to worry about the guns convergence. They are all already converged :)



Have fun, all!



Had a thought...then there was the smell of something burning, and sparks, and then a big fire, and then the lights went out! I guess I better not do that again!

Sgt, USMC, 10 years proud service, Inactive reserve now :D

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I've read that when they designed the A-10, they designed the gun around it. And when it fires the whole plane slows down, or as to pushes back. Damn fine plane, and here Congress wanted it scraped. Big mistake.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

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I've read that when they designed the A-10, they designed the gun around it. And when it fires the whole plane slows down, or as to pushes back. Damn fine plane, and here Congress wanted it scraped. Big mistake.



Probably inadvertant, but you gots it bass-ackwards :D

They designed the plane around the gun, not the gun around the plane. One obvious effect of this, is that the nose gear is off center, so that the gun is centered up. Take a look some time.


Yes, I've read that the plane slows as they fire it, but it may be an urban myth. Military myth? I think I've got the Army's version of the NATOPS around here someplace. I'll see what I can find.


Have fun, all!



Had a thought...then there was the smell of something burning, and sparks, and then a big fire, and then the lights went out! I guess I better not do that again!

Sgt, USMC, 10 years proud service, Inactive reserve now :D

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Probably inadvertant, but you gots it bass-ackwards :D

They designed the plane around the gun, not the gun around the plane. One obvious effect of this, is that the nose gear is off center, so that the gun is centered up. Take a look some time.


Yes, I've read that the plane slows as they fire it, but it may be an urban myth. Military myth? I think I've got the Army's version of the NATOPS around here someplace. I'll see what I can find.


Have fun, all!



You would think it would slow even slightly after firing all that mass out!

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DOH! I had that backwards. LOL! Well, I am dyslexic so there's that. Even when I write I place a sentence in front that should be last sometimes. I really need to go to college and take a crap ton of refresher courses and a class on writing composition.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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You would think it would slow even slightly after firing all that mass out!


That's exactly why it slows down.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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Here I tried to shoot down a ju-52 with only 100 machine gun bullets. Is it possible or realistic that this is maybe possible?


I don't know; .. but I do know I could easily shoot this thing down. These long, honkin', goofy looking wings pretty much speak for themselves [i mean, especially as a target for your "100 machine gun bullets" approach[?]) I don't know if dropping the bombs, or whatever, is supposed to be some kinda threat, but this guy oughta bail out early rather than try to drag this rather bizarre looking aerodynamic blunder of an airplane/s back to where he/they came from. :p




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