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Steam Updating


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How does Steam update when I'm not online?

It pops up every time I start the PC but I'm not connected online lol.

It means you have Steam installed, and you allowed it to start automatically with Windows startup.

To change that, check your startup options.


As for the update: it does that every time I start Steam as well .

I guess it's for showing promos, and modifying their webstore.

As for what it does when you're offline: no idea. Just "trying to connect", I guess.


BTW. Even if you start a Steam game through a desktop shortcut, you are still "using Steam".



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I had a problem a short while ago with FSX and in desperation I bought the steam version.

Any way I resolved the problem I had with my original FSX so got rid of the steam version, I didn't like it to be honest.

I might remove it altogether seeing as I no longer us it, when I went on it I already had 4 other sims on there that I no longer use, some I bought ages ago but weren't very good lol.


Thanks for the reply by the way.

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WRT to Steam - it should be viewed as being in two parts - the Client and the Library.


The Client is your gateway to your account and is required, even if you run a game in offline mode. The Library is your downloaded content (i.e Games).


WRT to updates - The Client receives various types of updates regarding security and general functionality. You cannot turn off updates for the Client, even if you set it not to start automatically with Windows (either via the OS or via the Client settings). They are downloaded in the background when an internet connection is available and are installed automatically. Some updates require the Steam Client to be started to be installed and this will happen when you start either the Client or a game, whether or not there is an active internet connection.


Another function of the Client is to 'update' your usage of the game so that it is synchronised across other PCs which you may have also installed the product on. This requires the Client to send back data (which includes info regarding progress, awards etc) and, as with the Client updates, this is done in the background when an internet connection is available. You can change a setting to stop this - see below.


The update of your Library contents depends on the settings you have configured for the individual game. By default, most games are set to update each time the Client is physically connected (i.e. when the client starts in on-lime mode) to the server. You can, however, change how each game is updated by logging on to your account and making changes in the following areas.....


General settings - On the main Account overview page select Steam > Settings from the menu listings located at top left - a new window will open. Select Downloads - here you can set some general restrictions related to downloads that will affect ALL download activity - i.e. not only related to updates but also when installing a new game for example.


Library (Game) settings - On the main Account overview page select the Library list and right click on the required game entry, select Properties from the resulting list of options - a new window will open. Select the Updates tab - here you will find a number of options...….


Under the Automatic Updates section - you can set restrictions related to the chosen game only.


Under the Background Updates section - you can set restriction on the behaviour of other games whilst you are playing the chosen game. Note the options set here will only temporarily stop automatic updates for the other games - to stop auto updates for other games you must make changes in each individual game.


Also on this page is a section called Steam Cloud - you can turn this off to stop most of the data transmitted in the synchronisation process mentioned above.




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Hi Bri, Thanks mate, as I said I no longer use it, I must have deleted once before when I had those other sims, when I went on it not long ago they were obviously still there and if I wanted I expect I could have downloaded them again.

So if I delete it again I suspect I will still have FSX-SE sat there along with those other sims.



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