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AI Flights To Antarctica?


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Has anyone been able to get AI flights to land at McMurdo Station? I'm thinking this location is too far south for AI's to navigate. I can fly my user planes there and even that can be a bit tricky if visibility is less than perfect. Just wondering if I'm wasting my time scheduling any AI flights.



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It should be possible to set up AI flights to McMurdo - Check out this THREAD


WRT to Jorgen's suggestion of MAIW - one pack that I know they do that has a traffic file for USAF C-130 flights to NZWD (Williams Field, McMurdo) is the Great Lakes ANG Part 2 package.


Note that most of the MAIW early stuff (including the stated package) is for FS2004 but, with a few exceptions, work OK in FSX. Just remember to convert the included flight plan for use in FSX. That said, they are currently doing a lot work in converting many aircraft models and flight plans for use in FSX and P3D.


The MAIW website can be found HEREhttps://militaryaiworks.com/ - you need to sigh up for a free account to be able to download stuff - and a handy guide on how to install FS2004 stuff into FSX can be found HERE




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AI don't care about visibility or anything. The computer controls them and they will fly IMC all the time no matter the weather. Even through a hurricane if it's in their flight path.


Use AIFP to convert the FS2004 flight plan to FSX format. The FS2004 flight plan will work in FSX, but if you have a mix of FS2004 and FSX flight plans, only the FS2004 flight plans will show up.


Yes, I myself have AI in Antarctica.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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