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Best memory speed to buy for EVGA micro-atx board and i7-8700K?

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The motherboard says 4133 Mhz 2 Dimm dual channel, up to 32 GB. Should I buy DDR4 3000, 3200 or 4133 (probably prohibitively expensive). And which CAS latency. Am I better of buying lower speeds but with lower latencies (eg. 3000 @ 15) or higher speed with higher latencies (eg. 3200 @16). I'd like to get them for less than $250 if possible.


I plan to get 32 GB to run P3D 4.3 Orbx and A2A planes and productivity software (eg. VMware and video-editing mostly) on Windows 10 64-bit. Thanks.

Win 10 Pro, MSFS Premium Deluxe Steam, i7-8700, 32 GB RAM, GTX 1070ti, hardwired 950 Mbps, wifi 5 Ghz 50+ Mbps, Gsync 27-in 2560 x 1440 Dell monitor, Logitech 3D Pro joystick, and Quest 2 VR
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I've read that RAM speed makes very little difference. Perhaps if you're over clocking it may. Somone on YouTube did a RAM speed comparison and saw no real difference at all.


Back then the rule of thumb was: low CAS, high frequency and low voltage.


Now a days just aim for low CAS, about 2666 MHz. You'll do alright.


I would make sure you read your motherboard's manufacture QVL (Qualified Vendor List) on the RAM you should buy. Doing so makes damn sure it's compatible with your MOBO and you'll won't have to do RMAs and have all kinds of issues latter on. You probabbly could get by with what ever Gskill or Crucial RAM, but it's just best to follow the QVL list.


The list will more than likely be in PDF format. I use Foxit for PDFs. There will be RAM serial numbers. Copy the serial number and paste it into Newegg.com and you'll usually get the RAM they sell. From there you can compare that RAM with other vendors for who's cheaper, etc. pcpartpicker.com may also work for comparison shopping.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

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What mainboard?


You can look up the mainboard and see what ram will work with it. (mainboard manuf. site.)

They list the exact modules that wil work. Stick to those.

Just having the ram of the correct speeds, voltages, etc is not enough. Pick some from the list.


To run high speed ram at that high speed, and not at default (ow) speed, you need to select XMP profile for the Ram in the BIOS. Technically that is overclocking the Ram. (But very much more controlled then overclocking a cpu)


If you give the mainboard model and brand I'll try to have a look as well.

Oh, and what OS are you plannig to use on it?

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He said Winblows 10, and you pretty much already rehashed everything I already put down in black and white. I don't recall using UV invisible ink. Though that works like this: Read!


I specified what the OP should do in terms of RAM selection and vendor comparison.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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