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FR reboots after ending flight


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Hi, (Sorry should say FS in the title not FR!)

After I select a new flight as a default and after I end this flight, the FS reboots and opens the Create a Flight window with the flight I had initially saved.

Obviously, it should not reboot but instead after ending the flight, it should go back to the Create a Flight window (where my newly saved default flight should show).

Sice it now reboots to the flight I had initially saved, I cannot designate a different flight as a default.

Any clue why is this happening?

Thanks for any advice.

Best Regards,


Peter Bendl

ex. British Airways

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You can change the default flight in fs9.cfg; the line "situation=".


As for the restarting, I would first suspect some permission issues with the flight files, could be as simple as they are write protected. Or that particular flight file could have become corrupted, causing FS9 to hiccup at the end of the flight.

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Thanks for the response. I am familiar how to change the default flight in fs9.cfg. You are probably right about the corruption. The FS restart after ending the flight happens only when ending very complex aircraft flight, where I did lot of gauge and config mods. Perhaps that has something to do with it. Also this all started when I started using the real weather. Perhaps having affect also.



Peter Bendl

ex. British Airways

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I've also noticed my flightsim doing this in the past month. the line in my fs9.cfg has "situation=", as jgf suggests but it is still doing it. I am going to start taking note of what aircraft I have been flying before this happens from now on. I thought it was just a oddity of my machine, but reading the posts here makes me wonder whether it's connected to particular flyables. Interested to hear if others have a similar problem.
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Hi Cloudrunner,

This anomaly first happened to me after I ended flight with Trident, downloaded from dmflightsim.co.uk. Also while I run the FSrealWX Pro. This could have affect on it also. PLEASE! do not want to knock dmflightsim, the site is great and their VC10 and BAC111 do not give me any problems. Also it happened to me when I ended flight with Connie downloaded from classic.com prop liners. Must say all these are all very complex aircraft and with many complex gauges.

I had to replace my FS9.cfg file (have made copy few months before) in PC Application Data Roaming folder and things are OK now - even when I again fly the Trident or Connie. Ref FS9.cfg file replacement, understand you can delete it and it will be created again after your FS starts. But you might want to save the deleted one in case you made any adjustments to it, which you would then need to copy to he newly created one.

Boeings, Airbuses and Embraer's plus the simple props never gave me any problems and after I ended flights it went back to the Create Flight screen. But these are very simple aircraft compared to Connie or Trident. Perhaps some gauges might be acting up?



Peter Bendl

ex. British Airways

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