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AIFP Flight Plans not showing up


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Recently i downloaded AIFP, thinking that i could add to the experience by adding ai traffic...

But this didn't work, the airplanes just didn't show up. I tried several tutorials and read several threads with people having the same problem, i tried everything i could to add the AI traffic, but, as i said before, it didn't work.

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You wouldn't happen to have FS2004 and FSX traffic file sin your Sim, would you? If so, only the FS2004 traffic files will show up.


I'm not well versed with AIFP, only to use it to convert FS2004 flight plans to FSX format. What I always liked to do is just hand edit my flight plans and use TTools to compile. Then I take that traffic BGL and have AIFP convert it to FSX. This may sound stupid to do since AIFP already allows you to create flight plans, but the utility is too complicated for me to understand. Hand creating them just works for me better.


If you download TTools, I believe it comes with a great tutorial on how to create flight plans.




If the link doesn't work it's file name ttool202.zip found here in the library.




And indeed it has a great tutorial on hand creating flight plans. Once again. If you use Ttools to compile, you MUST convert to FSX format with AIFP. If you have a mix of FS2004 and FSX flight plans only the FS2004 flight plans will show up.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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You wouldn't happen to have FS2004 and FSX traffic file sin your Sim, would you? If so, only the FS2004 traffic files will show up.


I'm not well versed with AIFP, only to use it to convert FS2004 flight plans to FSX format. What I always liked to do is just hand edit my flight plans and use TTools to compile. Then I take that traffic BGL and have AIFP convert it to FSX. This may sound stupid to do since AIFP already allows you to create flight plans, but the utility is too complicated for me to understand. Hand creating them just works for me better.


If you download TTools, I believe it comes with a great tutorial on how to create flight plans.




If the link doesn't work it's file name ttool202.zip found here in the library.




And indeed it has a great tutorial on hand creating flight plans. Once again. If you use Ttools to compile, you MUST convert to FSX format with AIFP. If you have a mix of FS2004 and FSX flight plans only the FS2004 flight plans will show up.


Thanks, i will check and report back once i get back to my computer.

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You say you have aifp plans not showing up. Does the default fsx traffic still show? If it does you don't have an fs9 plan causing the issue.


If there is an fs9 plan. You can't recognise those by filename. But aifp has an option to find fs9 plans. (and covert them to fsx-type.)


creating plans by hand, and using the ancient fs9 program ttools, is not needed at all. Also, that only can create fs9 type plans, which would then need to be coverted with aifp anyway. Better stick to aifp.


About planes not showing up. Make sure you search for them at the correct time of day. (aifp can create plans for Local Time, and for GMT time. If you created the plan for 1400GMT, you won't see the plane at 1400Local Time...

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You will find AIFP here:




Look on the left-hand side for "Latest General Release"


It can do a LOT of things, and I have only scratched the surface yet, but it will compile flight plans from txt files, find FS9 flight plans, clear out unused items from your AI airplane folder, and much much more.


The learning curve can seem steep, but just start slowly.



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Thanks for the help, but it still isn't working. It couldn't have been because of FS2004/FS9 flight plans because there was nothing there, only my flight plan and the default traffic plan. I also tried several different times, both with local time and GMT. I even tried to delete World of AI, as i heard it could cause trouble with AIFP plans. But still it wouldn't show. Also there wasn't any default traffic, which is also why i deleted woai.
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Take it slow. The woai plans are fsx-type. To have those plans/planes show and use those together with your fsx traffic you will need to contest those aifp plans to fsx type.


Simple job with aifp. Choose "search for fs9 traffic files" and select the whole fsx folder to search in.

It will spit out a list of files.

Choose "convert to fsx" and select "delete fs9 plans after conversion".

Click "go" and watch it happen.

Aifp may spit out a list of "errors". Don't worry about those "errors". Some fs9 airports don't exist in fsx, or are in a slightly different location. Those "errors" are fixed during conversion. And that is what Aifp is informing you of. So nothing to worry about.


Just for clarity, you said "I only have the default traffic file and.... ". Does the default traffic also show when you are flying in the sim?


Oh, btw, addon airports can sometimes come with a traffic file in their folder. This could be an fs9 type file.

Anywho, if you let Aifp search the whole fsx folder, those will be found and converted ("fixed") as well.

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Maybe I should take it slow too.:D

I should have explained that the file you made yourself with Aifp, is probably an fsx-type plan. Because Aifp will make fsx-type plans, unless you expressly choose to make it fs9-type.

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The OP is leaving out some very important pieces of info:


What plane is he using & how is he using it, eg. airline, etc. ???


Before I use a plane I check it with Aircraft Editor to make sure it works. You can find that here:



I recently d\l an A\C from the library for a flight plan. An excellent base model. FSX could not display it, till I corrected some errors the developer missed.


Hope this helps...

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Related to my above post, I downloaded a texture for my Carenado Cessna C185 Skywagon, when I went to the aircraft the propeller was black, it isn't like that on my other Skywagons, on further investigation the painter forgot to put the prop texture in the folder.

I could easily have deleted it if I didn't know better, I copied the prop texture from one of my others and nice clear prop again.


Just an example of mistakes that the uploader's can do, probably not intentional but it can cause a headache for a lot of simmers.

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I got one the other day and the aircraft didn't show, I never checked the aircraft.cfg when I did the air file name was completely different to the one it should be.

Obviously I changed it in the cfg and the AC showed up, but maybe the uploader had that air file in his sim and thought that was the correct one, who knows.

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