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FSX Blue Angels FA-18C Hornet Questions


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I have downloaded and installed the latest prototype version of this FA-18 and I'm trying to learn to fly it properly. The manual isn't very instructive especially with the operation of the main screen. I have managed to figure out how to set the auto pilot heading and barometric altitude. But I don't know what all the other codes represent. Are there any sim pilots on the forum that are familiar with the aircraft that can give me some pointers? I have the VRS Super Bug and TacPack that I really liked and use to fly frequently but you have to keep renewing your registration and I thought this FSXBA version that's free would be a good substitute. The VRS Superbug is fantastic and extremely realistic but I like to fly so many other aircraft especially the A2A warbirds that I didn't think the flying time I had with the Superbug was worth the constant fees.
i7 8700K CPU @ 4.8 GHz, 32 GB DDR4 3000 memory, Gigabyte Aorus Z370 MB, EVGA RTX 2060 Super XC GPU 8GB GDDR6 Memory, MasterAir MA610P CPU cooler, 1TB PCIe NVMe SSD, 500 GB SSD, 2T HDD, 3 Asus 24" monitors, Saitek X56 Rhino HOTAS.[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]
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The FSX BS Hornet IS one of the most sophisticated planes available, bar none. And it's freeware!


Anywho, sorry, I am heartily impressed with this plane.

By "the main screen" I gather you mean the UFC, or Upfront Control Panel. There is an excellent thread by Virtuali, of the FSX Blues, RIGHT HERE. I suggest you read through it, and, if you want to, read also THIS THREAD. It's a Flight Planning thread, but it also has some very good information on the UFC.


Finally, for MUCH more information on the Hornet, you can download the NATOPS manual from THIS LINK. If you didn't know, the NATOPS manual is THE Pilot's Bible about the Hornet. It has anything you might want to know about the F/A-18C, and it's what the FSX BA plane is designed and implemented off of. They tried to make it as accurate to the real aircraft as they could, and with every revision they keep getting closer and closer.


As to the TacPack integration: That's still an on-going process, but it's getting better and better all the time. We hope to have another revision out as soon as possible. I am contributing in a small way, by developing the AGM-88C HARM missiles and software. They've got the missiles present visually, and in the configurator, but they are eye-candy atm. I'm still working on getting all the functionality integrated. I hope to have it ready by the next revision, but I can't promise for sure.


Does this help at all, Big-T?



Had a thought...then there was the smell of something burning, and sparks, and then a big fire, and then the lights went out! I guess I better not do that again!

Sgt, USMC, 10 years proud service, Inactive reserve now :D

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Thanks, Fantom Tweak, I'll check out the links you provided.
i7 8700K CPU @ 4.8 GHz, 32 GB DDR4 3000 memory, Gigabyte Aorus Z370 MB, EVGA RTX 2060 Super XC GPU 8GB GDDR6 Memory, MasterAir MA610P CPU cooler, 1TB PCIe NVMe SSD, 500 GB SSD, 2T HDD, 3 Asus 24" monitors, Saitek X56 Rhino HOTAS.[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]
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I have read and tried the instructions in this link http://www.fsdreamteam.com/forum/index.php/topic,20.0.html

but didn't have much luck. My MFDs don't have an ACL button in any menu option and pressing the On/Off button does not turn the autopilot on or off even after activating the autopilot using the Autpilot button on the UFC. To actually turn the autopilot on after pressing the Autopilot button I have to I have to press one of the autopilot options ATTH, HSEL or BALT. What could I be doing wrong?

i7 8700K CPU @ 4.8 GHz, 32 GB DDR4 3000 memory, Gigabyte Aorus Z370 MB, EVGA RTX 2060 Super XC GPU 8GB GDDR6 Memory, MasterAir MA610P CPU cooler, 1TB PCIe NVMe SSD, 500 GB SSD, 2T HDD, 3 Asus 24" monitors, Saitek X56 Rhino HOTAS.[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]
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Maybe it's because I am using the Prototype version instead of the latest finalized one.
i7 8700K CPU @ 4.8 GHz, 32 GB DDR4 3000 memory, Gigabyte Aorus Z370 MB, EVGA RTX 2060 Super XC GPU 8GB GDDR6 Memory, MasterAir MA610P CPU cooler, 1TB PCIe NVMe SSD, 500 GB SSD, 2T HDD, 3 Asus 24" monitors, Saitek X56 Rhino HOTAS.[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]
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I'll have to double check the .141 to make sure what I say is still correct, but: Remember that the AP in a Hornet is a Pilot Relief device, not really a "fly the plane for you from here to there" device. It's mainly there to hold the plane in airspeed, altitude, and heading, if necessary for the pilot to adjust switch settings, flex his stick-and-throttle hands for a minute to relieve muscle stress, read the NATOPS for an emergency situation, that kind of thing. It's not an AP like the airliners use, to climb to an altitude while steering from this to that waypoint, fly to a bunch more, then descend while flying the approach to the correct runway. It will fly to A waypoint, but after that, I believe you need tot ell it to fly to the next one yourself. It won't change altitude for you, unless you manually change the Alt Hold. Things like that. In fact, IIRC, you need to deselect the Alt Hold, move to the altitude you want, the engage it again. Stuff like that.

Originally, they included the airliner kind of AP because they were readily available in the simulators, but as their understanding of the actual AP functions of the Hornet's version improved, they adjusted it's capabilities to match. I hardly ever use the AP for anything, other than going to the head real quick, or something like that, so I don't know how it works nowadays, but I will run a test and see what's going on.

The most accurate system is actually the auto-throttle. It tries to hold airspeed in UA mode, and AOA in PA mode, and it does very well at both of those. I always use the SHFT+R key combo to activate it, but I'll double check the UFC setting it needs, along with the rest. There ARE limitations to it though, like throttle movement above 90% will kick it off, and so on.


As to using it: As I say, things HAVE changed a bit since the thread I linked was originally written. Yes, you have to turn the AP on on the UFC, and then select the function(s) you want to use after that. That is the correct method of utilizing it, now. Pressing the AP button only brings up the different modes available on the UFC. After that, to utilize one, you have to select it.

Apparently, yes, the ACL softbotton has been removed. I'll check with Jimi and see if it's permanent. I don't think it is, but I may be wrong. Probably, when combining the features of the regular, non-TacPacked Hornet's MFD's and the TP MFD's, it got lost in the shuffle. I'll mention it to Jimi and see what he says. Or maybe see if I can put it back in myself, if it won't interfere with TP functionality. I'll let you know as soon as I figure out what's going on.


Does that help at all?



Had a thought...then there was the smell of something burning, and sparks, and then a big fire, and then the lights went out! I guess I better not do that again!

Sgt, USMC, 10 years proud service, Inactive reserve now :D

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Thanks for the information. I am going to keep flying and trying new stuff. Carrier landings will be next.
i7 8700K CPU @ 4.8 GHz, 32 GB DDR4 3000 memory, Gigabyte Aorus Z370 MB, EVGA RTX 2060 Super XC GPU 8GB GDDR6 Memory, MasterAir MA610P CPU cooler, 1TB PCIe NVMe SSD, 500 GB SSD, 2T HDD, 3 Asus 24" monitors, Saitek X56 Rhino HOTAS.[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]
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Phantom - right on regarding the autopilot. Military aircraft, especially TACAIR, rarely have a full function autopilot because if single pilot they are liable to fall asleep. I am not joking, that is the real reason.


They typically had/have a type of control stick steering, attitude hold and in more modern ones, APC or "autothrottle".

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