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How do I get better FSX *cockpit* night lighting?


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Each acft. has an "aircraft.cfg" file and there is a section called "lights" where you can add, reposition...

You can add a high intensity light like "fx_vclighth "

Se some examples below:


//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing 6=taxi,7=recognition, 8=wing, 9=logo, 10=cabin


//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit

light.0=3, 1.60, -19.19, 4.53, fx_navred //was 7.60, -19.19, 4.53

light.1=3, 1.60, 19.19, 4.53, fx_navgre

light.2=2, -1.00, -18.99, 4.53, fx_strobe // was 5.99, 18.99, 4.33

light.3=2, -1.00, 18.99, 4.53, fx_strobe

light.4=1, -14.92, 0.00, 8.02, fx_beacon //was -10.92, 0.00, 8.02

light.5=4, -0.900, -0.900, 1.000, fx_vclight //was -0.900, -0.700, 1.000

light.6=4, -0.900, -0.700, 1.000, fx_vclighth //was 1.8, 1.5, 2.2,4,




//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit

light.0 = 3, -2.76, -18.11, 2.97, fx_shockwave_navred

light.1 = 3, -2.78, 18.11, 2.95, fx_shockwave_navgre

light.2 = 2, -3.13, -18.31, 2.95, fx_shockwave_strobe

light.3 = 2, -3.11, 18.31, 2.95, fx_shockwave_strobe_2

light.4 = 1, -20.51, 0.00, 6.20, fx_shockwave_beaconh

light.5 = 4, -2.27, 0.00, 1.45, fx_shockwave_vclight

light.6 = 5, -1.45, -9.1, 2.6, fx_shockwave_landing_light_small // Shockwave light

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Each acft. has an "aircraft.cfg" file and there is a section called "lights" where you can add, reposition...

You can add a high intensity light like "fx_vclighth "

Se some examples below:


//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing 6=taxi,7=recognition, 8=wing, 9=logo, 10=cabin


//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit

light.0=3, 1.60, -19.19, 4.53, fx_navred //was 7.60, -19.19, 4.53

light.1=3, 1.60, 19.19, 4.53, fx_navgre

light.2=2, -1.00, -18.99, 4.53, fx_strobe // was 5.99, 18.99, 4.33

light.3=2, -1.00, 18.99, 4.53, fx_strobe

light.4=1, -14.92, 0.00, 8.02, fx_beacon //was -10.92, 0.00, 8.02

light.5=4, -0.900, -0.900, 1.000, fx_vclight //was -0.900, -0.700, 1.000

light.6=4, -0.900, -0.700, 1.000, fx_vclighth //was 1.8, 1.5, 2.2,4,




//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit

light.0 = 3, -2.76, -18.11, 2.97, fx_shockwave_navred

light.1 = 3, -2.78, 18.11, 2.95, fx_shockwave_navgre

light.2 = 2, -3.13, -18.31, 2.95, fx_shockwave_strobe

light.3 = 2, -3.11, 18.31, 2.95, fx_shockwave_strobe_2

light.4 = 1, -20.51, 0.00, 6.20, fx_shockwave_beaconh

light.5 = 4, -2.27, 0.00, 1.45, fx_shockwave_vclight

light.6 = 5, -1.45, -9.1, 2.6, fx_shockwave_landing_light_small // Shockwave light


Thanks! Yeah, I've dealt with CFG's a bit, but I'm not sure which exact number to increase/decrease. I think what I am aiming to do is decrease the ambient VC light and turn up the knobs/gauges light, like in the 1st/2nd pic. (just realized that the 2nd might be irl ha!)

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Read all about this here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/microsoft-esp/cc526949%28v=msdn.10%29#mozTocId38401


Bookmark it. I'm glad FS still has it, but I wonder if one day in their infinite wisdom they remove it. I should clone the page as a backup.




Saving the page and I see a massive analytics java scrip file. Unreal! One day I'll port it all to PDF.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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Read all about this here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/microsoft-esp/cc526949%28v=msdn.10%29#mozTocId38401


Bookmark it. I'm glad FS still has it, but I wonder if one day in their infinite wisdom they remove it. I should clone the page as a backup.




Saving the page and I see a massive analytics java scrip file. Unreal! One day I'll port it all to PDF.


Nice, good to have this. I might just paste everything into a google doc or something.

Anyways, I can probably play with this info and get things to work.


Thanks for all the great help! Jeez, you guys are too fast.:cool:

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Another little trick that seems to be forgotten is to use the settings in the Panel.cfg file.

Down at the bottom, generally, is a section that looks like this:






If it's not there, add it in.

Leave the DAY line alone. It's what it needs to be.

Adjust the Night line. Each number in it, like 233 for example, is the value of the RGB control for the lights at night. In other words, the Night= line shows that the Red color is set to 233, the Green color is 166, and the Blue color is set to 64. When the 3 colors are mixed, you get the color, AND intensity, of the lights in the cockpit at night. This is the light that illuminate the exterior parts of the panel, like flood lights. The ambient lighting in the cockpit at night. The vclighth.fx mentioned before is the light it's self, this sets the color and intensity if the .fx file.

To increase the light at night, assuming you like the color, just increase each number mentioned before by a certain amount. Like change the Night= line by 20 each, so you get Night=253,186,84 . Each one increased by a specific amount, 20 in this example. By the way, 255 is the highest the numbers may be set.

Should you desire to change the color, but not the intensity, just change one, or two numbers to make it what you want. Like for example, I prefer a greener light, so I would set the Night=166, 233, 64.

Remember, this is for the ambient lighting of the cockpit.

For the gauges' internal backlighting, adjust the numbers in the Luminous= line. Same rules as for the Night= line, same methodology (hows that for a big word?? :D )


Remember, always make a backup of ANY file before you change ANYTHING. Always!


Good luck!



Had a thought...then there was the smell of something burning, and sparks, and then a big fire, and then the lights went out! I guess I better not do that again!

Sgt, USMC, 10 years proud service, Inactive reserve now :D

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+1 on Pat's suggestion....something that I have used on a number of occasions......


A handy tool and some general info on colour mixing (i.e hue v saturation v lightness) values and selected median starting points for specific colour ratios that might assist you in working out values to suit your own needs can be found HERE and HERE......




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Agree with Phantom's input, but I am not sure it works in VC views; anyone know for sure?

It does for me. I constantly change planes' VC night color to green. Especially military planes. Is it realistic? No, but *I* like it, so for me, it's right. It's easy on my eye, and I can see very clearly with it. About the same color as their electro-luminescent strips, just somewhat dimmer.


Every plane and every person's sim, and computer, are all different, so whatever color they choose is right. For them.


Anywho, have fun all!



Had a thought...then there was the smell of something burning, and sparks, and then a big fire, and then the lights went out! I guess I better not do that again!

Sgt, USMC, 10 years proud service, Inactive reserve now :D

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Another little trick that seems to be forgotten is to use the settings in the Panel.cfg file.

Down at the bottom, generally, is a section that looks like this:






If it's not there, add it in.

Leave the DAY line alone. It's what it needs to be.

Adjust the Night line. Each number in it, like 233 for example, is the value of the RGB control for the lights at night. In other words, the Night= line shows that the Red color is set to 233, the Green color is 166, and the Blue color is set to 64. When the 3 colors are mixed, you get the color, AND intensity, of the lights in the cockpit at night. This is the light that illuminate the exterior parts of the panel, like flood lights. The ambient lighting in the cockpit at night. The vclighth.fx mentioned before is the light it's self, this sets the color and intensity if the .fx file.

To increase the light at night, assuming you like the color, just increase each number mentioned before by a certain amount. Like change the Night= line by 20 each, so you get Night=253,186,84 . Each one increased by a specific amount, 20 in this example. By the way, 255 is the highest the numbers may be set.

Should you desire to change the color, but not the intensity, just change one, or two numbers to make it what you want. Like for example, I prefer a greener light, so I would set the Night=166, 233, 64.

Remember, this is for the ambient lighting of the cockpit.

For the gauges' internal backlighting, adjust the numbers in the Luminous= line. Same rules as for the Night= line, same methodology (hows that for a big word?? :D )


Remember, always make a backup of ANY file before you change ANYTHING. Always!


Good luck!



This might be what I was looking for! I'm assuming it will work similar to the 3rd pic, where I need to decrease the ambient light so that I just get the gauge and knob lights.


Also, longbreak754, that's just what I needed for this.

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PhantomTweak, can't get it to work in the VC of the default B737...


I went to the panel.cfg and added the "Luminous" line to "[lights]" because it wasn't there. Changed both "Night" and "Luminous" to 0,0,255 to get the blue light like in the 3rd pic. VC unchanged, 2d panel was blue, very similar to what I want.

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I went to the panel.cfg and added the "Luminous" line to "[lights]" because it wasn't there. Changed both "Night" and "Luminous" to 0,0,255 to get the blue light like in the 3rd pic. VC unchanged, 2d panel was blue, very similar to what I want.

Umm, the Night= and Luminous= lines belong in the panel.cfg file, under the heading , not in the aircraft.cfg [Lights] section. Just making sure we're on the same page on that :)


The trouble MAY be because the floods in that panel, the VC in the 3rd picture, may well be created in the MDL file. If so, you can't touch them. I don't know for sure they are, but I believe they may be.

Also, make sure you have an light effects file for the VC in the [Lights] section of the aircraft.cfg.

Like this: light.7 = 4, 47.60, 0.00, 3.00, fx_vclighth ,


Make sure the particular light you have's position information is correct, too. If you have a VC light, but it's waaaay back in the cabin, or under the control panel, you won't see it. I start out by placing them about where the [views] position info says. Like if the [Views] section has eyepoint = 48.2, -1.55, 1.9 , make the light.7 position information at least something LIKE the eyepoint. You can adjust it later, once you get the light present, at least. My light.7= example is similar the [view] entry I used for example, as you can see. It's a little bit less negative, probably forward of the eyepoint, the lateral entry in 0.0, or the center of the cockpit, and the vertical entry is slightly more positive, or higher up, than the eyepoint. Similar, close, but not identical. Like maybe it's a flood light in the cockpit's roof, yes?


Remember if you have a 3rd party panel, model, or aircraft.cfg file or folders, they may be part of the problem.


I hope something in all my rambling helps a little...



Had a thought...then there was the smell of something burning, and sparks, and then a big fire, and then the lights went out! I guess I better not do that again!

Sgt, USMC, 10 years proud service, Inactive reserve now :D

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Thanks, mikeandpatty.

That's a good way to set the vertical parameter. I'll remember that.


Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks?



OOps, nevermind :rolleyes: :p ;)




Had a thought...then there was the smell of something burning, and sparks, and then a big fire, and then the lights went out! I guess I better not do that again!

Sgt, USMC, 10 years proud service, Inactive reserve now :D

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Read to the end. Using some of the above ideas, I've been toying with changing values in both panel.cfg and aircraft.cfg.


In panel.cfg I changed










in aircraft I changed from:

light.7 = 4, 47.60, 0.00, 3.00, fx_vclighth ,



light.7 = 4, -10.00, -10.00, -10.00, fx_vclighth ,


Not a very scientific manner of arriving at a solution, but I know as much about brain surgery as I do about stuff like this. I think it might have toned down the brightness somewhat but it's probably just wishful thinking. What do I know. I'm just an old man. Now that I think more about it, change is insignificant if at all. Really, unless it's hard-wired, some genius ought to hit on an answer.


Now I'll go try a flight with the new numbers.....

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Hi all,


In respect of the lighting within the VC, I believe if you wanted to have lighting like the below (specifically the overhead panel lighting part of the picture) then some texture editing of the VC textures is required.


Alejandro Rojas Lucena has provided an upgrade to the default FSX 737 including reworked night textures which is where the below picture comes from (which is what I use in my own modded default 737). You can find it here if you're interested: http://simviation.com//fsnd/Downloads.htm






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Sorry for the late response-


So, some progress-


It looks like the default B737 and A321 use different light systems than most other planes, because they were unaffected by what I did.


I found the ambient VC light, or at least one of them, "fx_vclighth". I can change the color and brightness of it, but the gauges seem to either have no lighting and get illuminated by the ambient light, or they are on the same effect as the ambient. If I remove the file completely from effects, the cockpit is entirely black with all lights on (the L key). No gauge lights at all.


Thanks for the help!


P.S. Trent, nice addon- I like the wiper blades idea :cool:

gotta try that sometime.

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Hi again,


I'm unsure how the other default aircraft work, but I've spent some time over the last few months modding the default 737.


The default 737 has the fx_vclighth effect commented out (disabled by the // part) in the aircraft.cfg.




This means that the lighting within the VC is driven by textures and not lighting effects. That's what you see when you turn the panel lights on.




In my modded aircraft, when I turn on the panel lights, I see the below - also driven by textures (that were reworked by Alejandro Rojas Lucena).




But then when I turn the dome white light on (which I modded to use the fx_vclighth effect, you can see it's lit up a little more.




So I've got two 'sources' of lighting if you like...textures for panel lighting (which I can turn off at will) and then fx_vclighth effects. You can see that below with the picture of the VC with the dome white light on, but the panel lighting off.




I hope what I've found is clear and helpful to you and others.




2_default panel lighting.jpg

3_my panel lighting.jpg

4_my panel lighting + light.jpg

5_VC without panel lighting.jpg

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Hi again,


I'm unsure how the other default aircraft work, but I've spent some time over the last few months modding the default 737.


The default 737 has the fx_vclighth effect commented out (disabled by the // part) in the aircraft.cfg.




This means that the lighting within the VC is driven by textures and not lighting effects. That's what you see when you turn the panel lights on.




In my modded aircraft, when I turn on the panel lights, I see the below - also driven by textures (that were reworked by Alejandro Rojas Lucena).




But then when I turn the dome white light on (which I modded to use the fx_vclighth effect, you can see it's lit up a little more.




So I've got two 'sources' of lighting if you like...textures for panel lighting (which I can turn off at will) and then fx_vclighth effects. You can see that below with the picture of the VC with the dome white light on, but the panel lighting off.




I hope what I've found is clear and helpful to you and others.




Well, I think I'm giving up on the 737 and downloading the textures. ;) Still wondering about the other cockpits... looks like most of the buttons and gauges don't have a light source for themselves, just the fx.vclighth.

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