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Real Traffic?

Sidney Schwartz

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I'm sure you would prefer to hear from those who've used it. My first thought is the near anarchy of FSX's traffic/ATC AI, imagining flying in an environment ignorant of your presence, obeying orders and clearances you have no access to. Popping into your parking places and not using the taxiways you think are convenient, landing on you while running you take off checks, trying to predict where aircraft are going and squeezing yourself into the pattern. I prefer Vatsim where you can interact with other simmers, everyone follow the rules, know what everyone is doing and it's free. I personally would get no satisfaction from this thing tough if it technically works, I would appreciate the effort involved when 13 years into FSX, I thought I had seen everything.


2 carrot salad, 10.41 liter bucket, electric doorbell, 17 inch fan, 12X14, 85 Dbm
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