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FSX-SE Scenery Path Issue Need Help


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Having a problem with Scenery Path. I tried to add scenery & activate while in game. I asked in another post about adding scenery and someone said you could add scenery while flying in game by going to top of screen and choosing scenery library and add the scenery. That did not work. Now, whether in game (meaning flying at xyz location) or thru normal addition & activation, the path is not showing properly. It will not point to Addon Scenery.


The Normal Path is




Path that I get when I try to add scenery now is




I don't understand what happened. Please help me fix this. Thank you





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I believe that you mean the Scenery Library's Add Scenery function, yes? You click on Add Scenery, and a window pops open with the possible folders you may add to, correct?

You SHOULD, and please note the SHOULD, be able to change it to add to anywhere you like. Another drive, different folders, entirely different directories than FSX should you choose. Up beside the current directory name at the top, mine says FSX when I open the add Scenery window, there is the picture of a folder with an up arrow in itt. That will take you up one level, so just click it twice and it should be back to the FSX folder indication. Then you can select Addon Scenery, or go farther up and choose a folder entirely outside FSX if you choose.


Does this help at all?



Had a thought...then there was the smell of something burning, and sparks, and then a big fire, and then the lights went out! I guess I better not do that again!

Sgt, USMC, 10 years proud service, Inactive reserve now :D

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I believe that you mean the Scenery Library's Add Scenery function, yes? You click on Add Scenery, and a window pops open with the possible folders you may add to, correct?

You SHOULD, and please note the SHOULD, be able to change it to add to anywhere you like. Another drive, different folders, entirely different directories than FSX should you choose. Up beside the current directory name at the top, mine says FSX when I open the add Scenery window, there is the picture of a folder with an up arrow in itt. That will take you up one level, so just click it twice and it should be back to the FSX folder indication. Then you can select Addon Scenery, or go farther up and choose a folder entirely outside FSX if you choose.


Does this help at all?



Hi Pat - I was able to figure it out. Somehow I had duplicate folders & the path when choosing the Scenery Library's Add Scenery function could not figure out where I had placed the scenery. All set, can't wait until I get my new PC so I can install all my addon's that I have. I'm limiting installation of addon's until then. Thanks for the help.

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I have all my add-on sceneries on a separate SSD drive to save space on another SDD card that has Win 10, FSX-Steam and many other programs. I just point the scenery config to that dedicated drive.


I'll probably do that when I get the new PC. Sounds like it would simplify things if there's a problem. Thanks for the input.

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