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Andrew Hall An-225 issue.


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After downloading and installing the above AI aircraft I realised that it doesn't appear in FSX.


The aircraft appears sunk and running uncontrolled below airport apron. As I suspect contact


points wrong values in aircraft.cfg, I 'd be grateful if somebody sends to me his working aircraft.cfg file


to check.


Thanks for your time.

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The blue version proposed by the author using Nose model is not shown correctly by FSX (see attachment). Only the basic model works properly, but it has the issue described earlier.

I'm testing, but 'til now I can only confirm what you're saying.


Made a simple flight plan with the above (basic) model, and another (of which I'm sure it's working).

The other shows up in Traffic Explorer, but not the An-225.

Out of ideas for the moment.


The gear contact points look OK btw (checked with ShowMarkers).


But when assigning a panel to it, the aircraft goes berserk when parked.

Could get it airborne in slew mode, after that if flies kinda OK.

Better skip this one in FSX...



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