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Alphabetizing FSX Free Flights


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This is fairly easy. Rename the flights. You can do this using explorer. Make sure you rename ALL THREE FILES to the exact same name. Click the sort (Title Bar) at the top of the Flights list. For most people, just clicking the sort button is enough help without renaming, but renaming will give you additional rational sorting. I like to name flights using the same plane starting with the plane name (as an example.)


2 carrot salad, 10.41 liter bucket, electric doorbell, 17 inch fan, 12X14, 85 Dbm
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This is fairly easy. Rename the flights. You can do this using explorer. Make sure you rename ALL THREE FILES to the exact same name. Click the sort (Title Bar) at the top of the Flights list. For most people, just clicking the sort button is enough help without renaming, but renaming will give you additional rational sorting. I like to name flights using the same plane starting with the plane name (as an example.)



For the last umpteen years my concentration has been dedicated to FS9, my computer crashed, and I have been unable to safely install FS9.

Since I have had, FSX Gold Edition, on the shelf since its introduction to the world. I figured I would give it a try.

I have loaded most of my Flights from FS9, all seem to be working ok so far, with a few minor glitches, I’ve managed to get FS X working with a few more glitches.

I have 2,498 items in C:\Users\Bill\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files folder, all nice and neat, alphabetized. When I go to Free Flight in FS X their all there, but all mixed up. There are a lot bugs to Work out, but I can’t find the answer to this Problem.

You motioned “rename the flights. You can do this using explorer”, “Make sure you rename ALL THREE FILES” Please explain these items.

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Click the Title Bar in the load flight dialog and your flights will be organized alpha. This is not automatic. Toggle this button a few times and you'll see what I mean. Initially, the flights are organized by last flown. If a recent flight on the list is close to the alpha sorted position you want to use a file from, select that file, click the Title Bar and the list will jump to the position in the list, sorted where that file is positioned. It's a handy trick I use several times a day.


If you don't like the Alpha sorting because some of your flight names are inconvenient, rename the files within the folder you have already identified in your message above. For each flight there are three file types (enable show file extensions in Explorer.) There is a *.FLT, *.WX, and *.PLN file for every flight which *has been saved using FSX's SAVE feature* which re-formats the plan into FSX's format. These three names HAVE to match.


2 carrot salad, 10.41 liter bucket, electric doorbell, 17 inch fan, 12X14, 85 Dbm
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Click the Title Bar in the load flight dialog and your flights will be organized alpha. This is not automatic. Toggle this button a few times and you'll see what I mean. Initially, the flights are organized by last flown. If a recent flight on the list is close to the alpha sorted position you want to use a file from, select that file, click the Title Bar and the list will jump to the position in the list, sorted where that file is positioned. It's a handy trick I use several times a day.


If you don't like the Alpha sorting because some of your flight names are inconvenient, rename the files within the folder you have already identified in your message above. For each flight there are three file types (enable show file extensions in Explorer.) There is a *.FLT, *.WX, and *.PLN file for every flight which *has been saved using FSX's SAVE feature* which re-formats the plan into FSX's format. These three names HAVE to match.



I have tried your suggestion, with no results. I rested the computer over night, rebooted this morning, still no luck.

As for renaming the flights, out of the question, that would take my life time to complete.

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What happens when you toggle the Title Bar in the flights list? Something HAS to change (unless you have not flown any of your saved flights recently.)


I have used THREE distributions of FSX. This always works to resort the list. You may not like how it sorts depending on how your saved flights are named, but the list WILL toggle between Alpha sorting and Last Flown.


Consider you are not likely to fly all your thousands of saved flights in the next few months but you could start sorting the ones you fly often so they sort to the top by placing a_, b_, etc. just at the front. Only two characters will give you a start and move those together. You could prob do a hundred in 1/2 hour. Since Explorer lets you sort several diff ways, the titles you want to rename could be placed relatively close together.


2 carrot salad, 10.41 liter bucket, electric doorbell, 17 inch fan, 12X14, 85 Dbm
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I’m not being smart or anything, just trying to explaining what I’m Doing.


I’ll try this again, I have difficult loading Pictures. Tried before with no luck.


When I click the icon for FSX a screen comes up showing 4 blocks, with a picture of last Flight. Above the picture are five blocks, the second one is for Loading Flights you want.


Below the Title bare flights that can be loaded, there are three flights on the top of the list, Previous Flight , Ohara C-121, Ohara if I click any flight listed, It will load.


The top listing is previous Flight highlighted, moving the curser to the title icon does nothing.

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The title bar will not change the flight you have highlighted. The highlighted flight will always stay highlighted until you choose another one. Post images of what you think is wrong and what you expect to happen. I think I have described the limits of the load flight dialog and list. I never use last fight. I find that feature nearly useless myself.


Not sure what you mean by "load pictures." If you are referring to the saved flight preview images to the right of the list, they do not exist sometimes. Nothing you can do about it.


2 carrot salad, 10.41 liter bucket, electric doorbell, 17 inch fan, 12X14, 85 Dbm
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Some images showing my experience:

Image LOAD_FLIGHT1 is the Load Flight dialog when I have not loaded any flight after starting FSX:

Notice by default, the flights are sorted Alpha. I have 17 screens of flights in my list.


LOAD_FLIGHT2 after scrolling down to the first flight I want and highlighted. The list is still sorted Alpha:


After loading my first flight, I bring up the dialog again to chose another flight and notice they are now all jumbled up:



I see an item near the top which has a name similar to the one I want to fly next and select it:



I now click the Title Bar forcing the list to reposition itself on that selection sorted ALPHA:



As a result of these actions, it's now very easy for me to slide the list up and down to find all the flights with similar names.


These are the limits of the lists's sorting ability limited by your creativity and planning when creating saved flights.



Rather, it represents the state of the flight when you were last in the 3D sim when FSX automatically saved a flight. This feature is not useful for most people. The payware program FSUIPC and other auto save utilities makes this feature more usable, but even though I have FSUIPC, 99.99% of the time I want to fly from a fight I have created for very specific purposes.



2 carrot salad, 10.41 liter bucket, electric doorbell, 17 inch fan, 12X14, 85 Dbm
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I see what you’re doing, I try the same thing, nothing happens.


The old Saying, “If you don’t succeed you must b doomed to Failure”.


Thanks for the help, it is appreciated. If my memory is correct, I remember after I bout FSX, I had the same problem, that was corrected, don’t ask me how, if I knew this post would not happened. Thanks Again!!!

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