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Anyone use vasFMC?


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I'm looking for a decent FMC to integrate into my F-22 and Lear 45 so that I can nav in VATSIM properly. What I like about vasFMC is that it uses the Navigraph database. The other cheap FMCs that I saw were basic interrogations using FS's GPS Info. So I can't use those.


Has anyone used vasFMC and did it ever crash on you or simply not work? I'd hat to be flying in VATSIM only to have my FMC crash.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

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I use ISG myself. Its advantage is customizable for use in many different kinds of aircraft. It has a more than average learning curve with a few unexpected quirks but is stable. One of the quirks is it cannot manage throttle and climb rate during climb properly, but does everything else pretty good including auto descents, holds, swapping approaches/departures on the fly, loading flight plans from multiple file types, etc. Its display of the approach and landing vector is superb. Also has built in TCAS capable of display BOTH AI and Multiplayer aircraft.


2 carrot salad, 10.41 liter bucket, electric doorbell, 17 inch fan, 12X14, 85 Dbm
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I think vasFMS has some issues and limitations that are explained on the website but its free and you might need to put up with some quirky constraints or bugs.


Although I've not used the ISG1 gauges, they seem to have far less constraints or bugs. Its also well documented and supported. ISG1 has been on my shopping list for ages but never taken up as SimMarket never seems to have a sale lol.

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I bought ISG when money was tight and never regretted it. Those who try it might want to contact me about how to make the best use of it as I spent months testing and configuring it in detail and made extensive notes on its config file. I have custom aircraft configurations for 727-200 and concorde.

The default 737 and 747 configs which come with it are workable but could be improved.

You will need some panel editing skill to place the buttons on your panel and make sure the buttons activate the correct features. Creating ISG flight plan folders for each of your planes which require major flight plan differences is a must. The FP folder has a severe file count limit (200 if I remember right.) In 33 years of flying FS, I have thousands.


2 carrot salad, 10.41 liter bucket, electric doorbell, 17 inch fan, 12X14, 85 Dbm
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I bought ISG when money was tight and never regretted it. Those who try it might want to contact me about how to make the best use of it as I spent months testing and configuring it in detail and made extensive notes on its config file. I have custom aircraft configurations for 727-200 and concorde.

The default 737 and 747 configs which come with it are workable but could be improved.

You will need some panel editing skill to place the buttons on your panel and make sure the buttons activate the correct features. Creating ISG flight plan folders for each of your planes which require major flight plan differences is a must. The FP folder has a severe file count limit (200 if I remember right.) In 33 years of flying FS, I have thousands.



I will take you up on your kind offer! As I've no great interest in ATC, could I use the features of ISG1 to retire my RC4 and simply fly long IFR routes in heavy's by FMC and AP?

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I tried the ISG1 before and didn't care for it. I need a FMC that uses Navigraph like I already mentioned.


For about $20 bucks what you get is a basic FMC. That's it. I'd like to have a proper FMC like the one PMDG uses. Does the external FMC gauge work like a real FMC or does it require an FMC in the Sim?

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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I tried the ISG1 before and didn't care for it. I need a FMC that uses Navigraph like I already mentioned.


For about $20 bucks what you get is a basic FMC. That's it. I'd like to have a proper FMC like the one PMDG uses. Does the external FMC gauge work like a real FMC or does it require an FMC in the Sim?


Which FMC is "basic" and not enough and what FMC are you asking "Does the external FMC gauge work like a real FMC or does it require an FMC in the Sim?" My impression is you could not get Vas to work. I fly online on the Vat all the time with ISG and it's not really "basic."


When you install the latest AIRAC data, ISG uses the data regardless of the source.


2 carrot salad, 10.41 liter bucket, electric doorbell, 17 inch fan, 12X14, 85 Dbm
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