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Hello Everyone + KSEA Bug


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Hello Everyone,


This is my very first post here.


Avsim and the guidance from you all just by reading other threads has always helped me a lot.


However, this time I am suffering with a problem on the default KSEA scenery.


As you can see in the attachment, a cloudy image is floating above the beginning part of the runway.


What can cause this? This is default KSEA scenery. Only thing I have installed is a terrain mesh for US West Coast.


Thank you in advance for your help.


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That does not look like a mesh problem to me.


First things first, what sim is this? I am guessing FS9?


Do you have any addon scenery installed for anywhere in the world?


I suspect this is coming from an addon, possible for an airport in India.


I know that sounds like I just told you that two plus two equals an avocado, yet it is possible. I have seen oddities like this before at KSEA and understand how it can happen. The explanation is a bit complicated, especially if I am barking up the wrong tree.



the Bean

WWOD---What Would Opa Do? Farewell, my freind (sp)


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I just want to point out that adding mesh can cause issues with airport elevations. When I installed mesh for the entire world I had several airports I flew to with elevation issues requiring me to edit the airport elevation. Then to top it off half of Honolulu was under water. So I don't mess with mesh anymore. Just not worth it. You want better landclass and/or photo real scenery. But with photo real scenery you should disable what you don't use as all of it will load regardless if you fly to that area or not causing the RAM usage to go above 3.5 GB and causing an OOM error. Read all about it and use the scenery config editor. https://support.precisionmanuals.com/kb/a108/vas-management-stopping-out-of-memory-oom-errors.aspx

OOM errors? Read this.

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First things first, what sim is this? I am guessing FS9?


Do you have any addon scenery installed for anywhere in the world?


I suspect this is coming from an addon, possible for an airport in India.


Thanks for the feedback. My apologies for the lack of info.


Yes, this is FS9.1


I have several other scenery packages installed, including many airports from India.


Can you share some more information on your feedback because everything else most places I fly to is perfect. Only KSEA has this problem. Also, the airport / terminals are all level. Just this foggy image floating around at the beginning of the runway with some trees.


Thank a lot everyone again for your valuable feedback!



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By process of elimination you will have to find the offending addon by disabling them until the problem goes away. Once you pinpoint the addon, use the same process to identify the bad file. I suspect removing the bad file will fix the problem without causing any problems at the other airport.


This is going to take some effort on your part.


There is a program used to create addons that provides an object placement example for the developer to use.


That example places objects at KSEA unless the developer changes the lat/lon coordinates.


There is a developer that had used this file improperly and created problems at KSEA.


Sorry, I do not remember the developers name.



the Bean

WWOD---What Would Opa Do? Farewell, my freind (sp)


Never argue with idiots.

They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience

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Thanks to all your ideas, I was able to solve this concern.


I was flying from VAAH to VASU when I notices Vadodara city on the map. I wanted to check if I have installed any custom scenery for this airport, so decided to overfly it. This is when I notices a green colored taxiway just like the one in the picture above. As a chance, I tried to disable the scenery for Vadodara Airport and voila! Now KSEA is back to normal.


Thank you once again!



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