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Any way to make a keyboard key pause an external device?


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Hello You Guys., I am updating a customer's heli sim. Premise: I need to find a way to map a key on the keyboard ( i.e. the "P" Key) which would pause the sim (that's easy of course) but also simultaneously cut the power to an external device. More in depth: The Sim has a timer/hour counter (powered by a molex connection from the pc) which must start counting when the sim is running - and pause counting when the sim is paused. So I need the 2 actions (Sim pause and timer counting) to work simultaneously. I was thinking to use a Double Pole double throw mini toggle switch (See picture). Wire one side to interrupt the power from reaching the counter, and the other side to a Leo bodnar card mapped to pause the sim via fsuipc. That should work in theory, what I am not sure is can the switch be on the on position and cause the sim to pause or can you only pause the sim with a momentary push button? or any other ideas would be very much appreciated. Thank you everyone.


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Hello You Guys., I am updating a customer's heli sim. Premise: I need to find a way to map a key on the keyboard ( i.e. the "P" Key) which would pause the sim (that's easy of course) but also simultaneously cut the power to an external device. More in depth: The Sim has a timer/hour counter (powered by a molex connection from the pc) which must start counting when the sim is running - and pause counting when the sim is paused. So I need the 2 actions (Sim pause and timer counting) to work simultaneously. I was thinking to use a Double Pole double throw mini toggle switch (See picture). Wire one side to interrupt the power from reaching the counter, and the other side to a Leo bodnar card mapped to pause the sim via fsuipc. That should work in theory, what I am not sure is can the switch be on the on position and cause the sim to pause or can you only pause the sim with a momentary push button? or any other ideas would be very much appreciated. Thank you everyone.


What you're suggesting in your diagram should work ok. You would need to sort out the "pause when switch is on" , "pause off when switch is off" by assigning the switch release to off. You should be able to do this in fsx (assuming you are using fsx), if not via fsuipc/linda.





Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

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When you press the pause key isn't that momentary? If it is you could do a relay/transistor combination wired to a push button. The push button would be double pull throw. One side for the pause and the other for the relay/transistor to kick the timer to pause.


I think what you have there will in effect keep the P key pressed down.

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Something like this maybe.


A relais connected to Usb, controllable with software.


Relais closing acts as switch that closes circuit of (battery___/ ___timer).


( _/ _ =relais switch operated remotely from pc.)


write a program to assign (keyboard-) command to the relais open/close command.


Then use fsuipc to make 'p' key fire both the 'pause sim' and the 'close relais' commands.



Something like this image:


Clock Relais.png

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