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Question to MS tool "chkdsk"

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can I run this tool on my system drive, even I suspect that there are some probs, like bad cluster or something else.

I know, that chkdsk is trying to repair such HW failure, if cannot, than it will try to keep this area empty.

I' m scaring that if such repair take place, my system will not start/work anymore after a restart, because of that eventually file movement

So, can I use it without risiko?


Tks for your tips,



Ancient I7-2600@3900, 24gb ram, 250gb ssd win10/64, 500gb ssd fsx, 500gb ssd p3d v3.4
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I don't think you have anything to worry about. But if you suspect that the drive is going then I would replace it before you lose your data. You can clone it, but if you have a lot of bad sectors that may not be wise.

OOM errors? Read this.

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I've been using chkdsk since it was invented by Norton in the DOS 3.2 era, before Windoze existed, and never had it "break", or mess up a good disk. It may shrink the disk size a trifle, due to it isolating bad sectors, but that's the worst I've ever seen it do. Back then, when the biggest a disk could be was 10 Mb, it would shrink them a bit more than one might hope, but no choice. With disk sizes now, even if it finds bad sectors, they don't decrease the disk size anywhere near as much as much as it did when it first started.


It's a percentage thing. 10% of 10 Mb is a lot more than 10% of 50 Gb.


There was a little situation when they were able to make DOS recognize a 20Mb HD, but before chkdsk was updated. If you didn't partition your disk down to 2, 10 Mb disks, it would declare anything over 10 Mb "bad". But then, XTree did the same thing, so it was an interesting time. You'd wind up having to reformat the disk, and reload DOS, to get things back to normal.

Nowadays, all that "stuff" isn't a factor any more. I would, and do, still trust chkdsk implicitly.


Have fun!



Had a thought...then there was the smell of something burning, and sparks, and then a big fire, and then the lights went out! I guess I better not do that again!

Sgt, USMC, 10 years proud service, Inactive reserve now :D

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Thank you guys for your reply.

The reason why I'm scaring is: in the past I made regalary back up's. And had no problems with them.

But, sice a couple of month I'm unable to restore those back up's. It start the recovery mode, and about max 10 minutes later

it stops with the message: unable to recover. Had to reinstall everything, because of the partually recover, the system was destroyed.

So, I was thinking somethings happen with the external drive, and I repace them. Make a new backup on it, start the recovery mode,

and bingo, about 10 min later same shit as before. Again reinstalling the system, now changed the DVD drive, because I run the

Acronis from DVD.

New back up, started recovery, and bingo, same as before.

So I guess the last thing can only my C: drve and the Acronis cannot recover that on a "damaged" drive



Ancient I7-2600@3900, 24gb ram, 250gb ssd win10/64, 500gb ssd fsx, 500gb ssd p3d v3.4
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