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Lat long coordinates


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I am trying to set up a ils for rw03 at sedona az. the site i am using is asking for coordinatesfor loc antennae and glide slope i know loc is at opp end of rw and gs is approx 1200' down the rw itried to set plane up at both those spots and take the coordinates off of shift z but it keeps saying invalid coor. any help greatly appreciated
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I'm not familiar with the shift z method of taking coords, but try typing them in manually instead of cut and paste, watch your spaces and decimal points, and don't type in the degrees character.

Works for me, for examp here's how I type in the coords on the ingame map to go to the default FSX oil platform off the eastern Brit coast,

top line is Latitude, bott line is Longitude-


n52 12.02

e3 29.21




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scatterbrainkid in sim shift z will bring up your current position with lat and long coordinates i ll try manually adding them thanks meshman 2 this site ;aero.sors.fr lets you create ils as well as change ils freq. as well as update waypoints that are not in the original FSX database thruout the world.
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