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Invisible 757 and 747 - nothing fixes this?


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Hey guys!


I no stranger to flight simulators, but I'm starting fresh with FSX since many, many years ago and my first impressions with addon aircraft for FSX:SE aren't good.


The game downloaded fine, game's files verified. FSX itself runs really good, all aircraft (AI included) are there, no problems AT ALL.


Then I downloaded the iFly747 and the JustFlight757, but both are completely invisible. If I press F10 I see the 2D panel on the 757 and the gauges seem to work; if I press F10 on the 747, the panel is there but the gauges are black.


What I already tried doing:


- Enabling/disabling DX10 Preview;

- Enabling/disabling shadows;


- Installing all the SimConnect MSI installers inside the SDK folder;

- Installing VisualC++ 2005

- Running FSX with Vista compatibility mode;

- Re-Installing FSX;

- Re-Installing the aircraft;

- Setting all graphical settings to the lowest possible;

- Installing SP1 and SP2 (which didn't work);

- Installing msxml;


I'm still trying to figure why this happens. This is so frustrating!


FSX runs really well here on Ultra High settings, 60FPS+ at 1080p. I don't know why this would happen.


If anyone's got an idea, please tell me.



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the ifly installs in several versions for each paint.

no vc

with vc only

and one with interior (passenger seats) only.


make sure to select the correct one to fly in the "select Aircraft" list in FSX. (with vc).



Are you using the freeware ifly 747 dowload? (v1)

or the payware aircraft (v2)


click image to see slightly larger.


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