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Jet Blue

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I recently reinstalled FS9 and have noticed that I am having problems when flying over or starting a flight at FQMA.The strange thing is that this does not occur at night but only during daylight hours. (Dawn - Dusk)


I tried to overfly FQMA at 32000ft and it CTD. I tried to start a flight during the day at FQMA and again I get CTD.


The message I get is Flight Simulator has stopped working and will try to find a solution.


I am using Windows 8.1 PRO and my computer specifications are as follows. (I am not sure if this is relevant in this case but I will include them anyway)


Intel ® Core ™ i7-8700K CPU @ 3.70Hz

Installed memory 32GB

64 bit operating system x64 based processor

GeForce GTX 980


Does anyone have an idea of what the problem could be?

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In the previous installation I updated the afcad file with AFX. I also did a bit of work on the scenery with Instant Scenery. When I reinstalled I merely copied the scenery file across to Add On Scenery, scenery file where the other afcad files were from my AFX updates. I used AFX to make some changes to the FQBR afcad file and I am not having any problems there.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Thank you JSMR and jgf for responding to my query. Finally I have found the offending culprit. When I reinstalled I took some short cuts with my downloaded sceneries. I copy and pasted the sceneries that I had in my previous installation and somehow had way to many texture files in the world / texture file. Fortunately I keep a clean copy of FS9 on an external hard drive and all I did was deleted the old texture files world / texture and installed the new ones from the clean copy.


Ad there you have it. A hard lesson learnt as I have always been told a reinstall is just that, a complete reinstall. No copy and paste.

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