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Objects in Object placement tool


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Sometome I use Object placement tool but, before installing a new object, I like to have a preview of the object itself. For many object it is possible to get such a preview by going in the directory Microsoft Games\Microsoft Games X SDK\SDK\Environment kit\Autogen SDK\Renders, In this place are visible all the objects with a name but, opening Object Placement tool, there are a lot of objects identified only by the Guid number. not visible in Renders. My question is: there is a way to see in preview there objects? Many thanks and, please excuse my poor English.


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I can help you with another tool. ModelConverterX is a great tool for scenery designers. It is available here for free:



You will be able to drag and drop bgl files into it and view them, rotate them and zoom in and out. It allows you to view the GUID number which is the long string of numbers and letters that is unique to the object. Drop the bgl file into ModelConverterX (MCX) open Object Information and there will be the GUID. Write down the first 7 or 8 characters of the GUID and find it in the list on the Object Placement Tool. There are a lot of other uses for MCX if you get into scenery design, I just wanted to let you know that it might solve your current problem. I hope this helps and good luck.



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