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WW2 planes


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The library here at Flightsim is full of WWII planes of all sorts. So is the library at SimOutHouse, Simviation, and good old Avsim.

I'm sure there's a number more, but those are the ones I usually hit first...



Had a thought...then there was the smell of something burning, and sparks, and then a big fire, and then the lights went out! I guess I better not do that again!

Sgt, USMC, 10 years proud service, Inactive reserve now :D

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Hey guys,

Im looking for add ons for FSX

Any website suggestions???

Flyawaysimulations are not that great so im looking for a new website.




Capt Joel;

A2A Simulations offers a fantastic B-17G that REQUIRES the SimPilot to study the 1944 "Pilot Training Manual for the Flying Fortress" (a PDF comes with the plane-- I use my Dad's WWII issue) There are a LOT of paints for this bird and it is VERY realistic to fly. A2A also offers the Spitfire, a P-5--Military & Civilian, P-47 Heinkel HE-319, the T-6 Texan, and a P-40, all with "AccuSim" (makes operations more realistic). "Aircraft Factory", a subsidiary of A2A offers the F4U Corsair, a high performance P-51H and if you are in to "oldies" they offer the Albatros D.III (German) and the Avro 504K (UK).. both are WWI era.. If you like civilian "big birds", A2A also has the B377 and the Constellation (I flew in one, "unaccompanied", from Honolulu T.H. to SFO back in '59) and a few smaller "Cessna class" planes, as well

All these planes are Payware, I own a good number of them, but the B-17G is my favorite, have flown it since FS9 days.. LOVE IT!!

If you are really into military flying (WWII 8th AF in the UK) there is the 91st Bomb Group website.. The URL is "www.91stbombgroup.com".. free to join, but requires a commitment to fly frequently. I was in it for a while, but personal/family issues required me to have to step-back.


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Capt Joel;

A2A Simulations offers a fantastic B-17G that REQUIRES the SimPilot to study the 1944 "Pilot Training Manual for the Flying Fortress" (a PDF comes with the plane-- I use my Dad's WWII issue) There are a LOT of paints for this bird and it is VERY realistic to fly. A2A also offers the Spitfire, a P-5--Military & Civilian, P-47 Heinkel HE-319, the T-6 Texan, and a P-40, all with "AccuSim" (makes operations more realistic). "Aircraft Factory", a subsidiary of A2A offers the F4U Corsair, a high performance P-51H and if you are in to "oldies" they offer the Albatros D.III (German) and the Avro 504K (UK).. both are WWI era.. If you like civilian "big birds", A2A also has the B377 and the Constellation (I flew in one, "unaccompanied", from Honolulu T.H. to SFO back in '59) and a few smaller "Cessna class" planes, as well

All these planes are Payware, I own a good number of them, but the B-17G is my favorite, have flown it since FS9 days.. LOVE IT!!

If you are really into military flying (WWII 8th AF in the UK) there is the 91st Bomb Group website.. The URL is "www.91stbombgroup.com".. free to join, but requires a commitment to fly frequently. I was in it for a while, but personal/family issues required me to have to step-back.



Thank you charles!


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The library here at Flightsim is full of WWII planes of all sorts. So is the library at SimOutHouse, Simviation, and good old Avsim.

I'm sure there's a number more, but those are the ones I usually hit first...



Thank you pat!


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