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FSX Install and "crash" issue.


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I've been away from Flight Simming for a few years. Back when I built my computer, I built it with the available (and affordable) go-fast goodies of the time, using a dual-boot of Win XP and Win XP-64, first with FS9 then I stepped-up to FSX... I had NO issues at all in Win XP-64 (running the "new" A2A B-17 and Ultimate Terrain in FS9)!! Recently, I finally installed the CD of Win7-64x I bought "back when".

My Computer's "go fast goodies" are mostly a hold-over from my XP/XP-64 build, and are as follows:

Processor: AMD FX-8150 Eight Core 3.6GHz.

RAM: 16GB.

O/S: Win7x64 Pro, SP1

HDD: One Terrabyte. (recent upgrade from 250GB--) so total "clean install" of Win7-64, and FSX.

I'm running two GPU's (GT9800, GT8500) and three ASUS 20" Monitors.

Programs installed are "The Usual": Mozilla, OE Classic, Windows Office 2010, Adobe Photo Deluxe 4.0 (helluva photo program, if you can find it!), one "standard" printer and one "PictureMate" Photo printer, several Disc Drives (Floppy, CD/DVD Burner, Zip100 & Zip250... Yes, I still use a Floppy for some things ;-} ). And, I have Fans on most everything (NB, CPU (has larger "water cooler" type fan), Dual Fans on 9800GPU, Dual Fans on HDD, HUGE fan (built-in) on PSU and three additional Case Fans on Controllers. (I crank these up when the CPU, MB, etc. temps start to rise.. can get temps down to 39C when running Sim... 36C CPU and 34C MB are "normal" when not running FSX.) AND everything critical runs thru a "Powerware Prestige EXT" Battery Back-Up (with an added Battery Pack giving me up to twenty minutes of runtime if the electrical grid fails).

In addition to FSX being installed, I have ONE "addon".. the A2A B-17G with "AccuSim", but I opted to NOT install the "FSX Acceleration Expansion Pack", as I don't "fly" these planes.


NOW, to the issues that pi.. me off, big time. Win7x64 is "suppose" to be a 64bit Operating System, right? (Yes, I know there is a 32bit "section" so one can run the other stuff).. Also, I have read for years that it is best to install FSX in it's own folder, i.e.: C:\FSX.. Which I have done.. However, when flying my A2A B-17, I can tell, just from the rendering, I am NOT using MOST of my 16Gigs of RAM.. not to mention the incessant "AppHangs" that, more often than not, result in a CTD!! (Even when just configuring the Control Settings, the damn thing will "hang"!). I believe (without any log evidence) that my "AppHang" issue is more related to the demands placed on the 32bit system (based on the way the sim "acts" just before the "hang")

The BIG Question IS... HOW (WHERE?) do I install FSX in Win7-64 to ACTUALLY have it using the Sixty-Four Bits??? (and my Sixteen Gigs of RAM!!) I'm going (gone?) nuts over this.. In fact, I'm no better off than when I was just using XP(32) and, right now, Win7-64 is NO WHERE NEAR as good as the unsupported WinXP-64 was!!

Needless to say, any and ALL help will be greatly appreciated..



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Charles, welcome back!


As Luke, I don't think your problems are related to system load. Your crashes may - MAY - be related to something solved by the so-called uiautomationcore.dll fix, and you can find out all about that by searching the threads in this forum for "uiautomationcore.dll".


You did absolutely right by installing FSX to C:\FSX, but you should also right-click on the FSX icon, select Properties and set FSX to be run as Administrator.


Luke is also correct about FSX, because it's a 32-bit application, only can run in up to 4 GB. I would strongly advise you to install the Acceleration pack, even if you don't fly the planes in it, because among other good things Acceleration also contains FSX Service Packs 1 and 2, and those two may also help solving your crash issues.


Other than that it's hard to help you further without error reports, but I'm sure that Mr. Zippy will be happy to post his sermon about the error information we need, in case the above tips don't solve the problem.


Happy flying -



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Right. FS is just a 32 bit coded game so it won't use over 4GB. What kind of "App hangs" are you having? Is it with the Sim or the whole computer? You say the control panel hangs? Are you referring to Windows control panel?


If so, I would test your RAM with Memtest 86+. You need to use IMGburn portable and burn it to CD. Then boot the CD like you would to install an OS like Windows. Once Memtest loads you can proceed to set the options and scan the RAM. If you find errors you will have to do a process of elimination with one stick at a time testing each stick. But for right now test all sticks at once.


How are your temps? You can run core temp and GPU temp to find out. What is the statues of the hard drive? You can try HDTune and read the SMART data and/or use Hard Drive Sentinel. Although, sometimes SMART data doesn't really say if the drive is bad or not.


If you look in Task Manager, are there any hung Apps? Not responding or 100% CPU usage?


You can run Autoruns and I can take a look at the log. Go to file and save the ARN file and zip it. Upload here if possible. Do not, and I repeat DO NOT delete or deselect anything in Autoruns you shouldn't. It will break things. What you see there is all the stuff including services that start when you turn on the computer.


When you download and run, double click the 64 version since you are running a 64 bit OS. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/autoruns







OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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And yes, keep FSX under the C:\ drive. If you were to install to the programs files folder you could have issues with add-ons, etc. The Programs files is protected with crap from Windows.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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FSX is a 32-bit app. Running it on a 64-bit OS allows it to use up to 4GB of ram instead of 3GB.

And no, your problems aren't related to system load.



Luke; Thanks for your reply.

Maybe running in 64bit mode ONLY gives 4GB of ram, but I recall, when running in XP-64, with a LOT of addon planes, and Ultimate Terrain, PLUS flying in Multiplayer (ALL Flying A2A B-17G's), I had fantastic frame rates, with no stutter, jitters, rendering was quick and "appeared" a lot farther "out" in the viewing perspective, also none of the "usual" low ram problems and no "hang" issues, at all... maybe that one GB of Ram makes all the difference?? Dunno. Further research is required..


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Charles, welcome back!


As Luke, I don't think your problems are related to system load. Your crashes may - MAY - be related to something solved by the so-called uiautomationcore.dll fix, and you can find out all about that by searching the threads in this forum for "uiautomationcore.dll".


You did absolutely right by installing FSX to C:\FSX, but you should also right-click on the FSX icon, select Properties and set FSX to be run as Administrator.


Luke is also correct about FSX, because it's a 32-bit application, only can run in up to 4 GB. I would strongly advise you to install the Acceleration pack, even if you don't fly the planes in it, because among other good things Acceleration also contains FSX Service Packs 1 and 2, and those two may also help solving your crash issues.


Other than that it's hard to help you further without error reports, but I'm sure that Mr. Zippy will be happy to post his sermon about the error information we need, in case the above tips don't solve the problem.


Happy flying -





Getting late on your side of the globe, isn't it? ;-} I appreciate the reply.

In my earlier attempts (this week) to unstall Win7 and FSX with the same associated issues I mentioned, just more severe, I did research the "uiautomationcore.dll" issue, even deleted the "stock" DLL for the suggested earlier version (forget the number off-hand), Sorry to say, it made NO difference in my issues.

I might also note that I run everything as "Administrator".. got tired of some automated droid telling me what I couldn't do in MY OWN computer!! ;-} Now if I can just get rid of that (not so) "Trusted Installer".. If I installed it, it's MINE to mess-up as I see fit!! (rebellious teenager of 50+ years ago keeps popping-up now and again ;-} )

I will install Acceleration, see if that helps.. Given that I have Win7 Pro and FSX Deluxe, aren't the Service Packs already addressed?? Or am I missing something (as usual)?? That said, in earlier installs of BOTH Win7 and FSX, I was installing the Expansion Pack.. if anything, the "hangs" were worse.. just sayin'.

Yes, I should have captured the error report.. I just kept hoping to stumble thru and solve the issue.. Wrong, again.. Will post the next "Hang" report..

Appreciate your reply.. Thanls.


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Right. FS is just a 32 bit coded game so it won't use over 4GB. What kind of "App hangs" are you having? Is it with the Sim or the whole computer? You say the control panel hangs? Are you referring to Windows control panel?


If so, I would test your RAM with Memtest 86+. You need to use IMGburn portable and burn it to CD. Then boot the CD like you would to install an OS like Windows. Once Memtest loads you can proceed to set the options and scan the RAM. If you find errors you will have to do a process of elimination with one stick at a time testing each stick. But for right now test all sticks at once.

How are your temps? You can run core temp and GPU temp to find out. What is the statues of the hard drive? You can try HDTune and read the SMART data and/or use Hard Drive Sentinel. Although, sometimes SMART data doesn't really say if the drive is bad or not.


If you look in Task Manager, are there any hung Apps? Not responding or 100% CPU usage?


You can run Autoruns and I can take a look at the log. Go to file and save the ARN file and zip it. Upload here if possible. Do not, and I repeat DO NOT delete or deselect anything in Autoruns you shouldn't. It will break things. What you see there is all the stuff including services that start when you turn on the computer.


When you download and run, double click the 64 version since you are running a 64 bit OS. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/autoruns










WOW!! Lots to digest.

As to the "AppHangs".. when it happens, the entire computer "just stops".. usually when I click on "something" (anything, it matters not, what-- sim or system).. the "icon rolling blue wheel" (above mouse pointer) just keeps rotating until finally a prompt appears saying (generically) that something is wrong and "Your computer will shut-down".. usually that happens fairly quick, so I hope I can copy the description of the "problem".. with regards to "when" it hangs, my words were: "Even when just configuring the Control Settings, the damn thing will "hang".. That would be the Control Settings in FSX.. It's a pain when trying to set-up my Flight Controllers, to have the sim/computer just lock-up! (No, I do not have FSUIPC, once FSX is 100% stable, THEN I'll look into it) Initially, I get these "AppHangs" when surfing websites, FSX not even on!. Ironically, after the (about) half dozen re-installs of Win7 AND FSX, the "hanging" issue is now, apparently, only limited to when FSX is open.. At first it was during the 32 steps of starting the A2A B-17.. IF I got the plane started and flying, the lock-up happened on approach or touch-down. So, simple test, do not load the A2A B-17.. Flew a default DC-3 (the Military C-47 version, tho not titled as such).. That time, I could NOT even get my monitors configured (I have the pilot view on my left monitor, co-pilot view on my center monitor and, when actually flying distance, not just loops around the airport, my right monitor will show maps, radio stack, etc. as well as my ASRock Hardware Monitor (tells me the internal temps of my computer).

I will try the Memtests, IMGburn, etc. will have to do some serious studying to bone-up on these things..

On my HDD.. it's a Western Digital One Terrabyte, brand new, SATA 7200rpm.. I bought four of these several years ago.. I have an eSATA HDD Dock where I store files, photos (lotsa photos--10y/o grand-daughter ;-} ).. I used three of these drives in this manner.. the fourth I kept "sterile" as it was intended to become my computer's hard-drive! In theory, there should be no corruption on the drive.

You asked about looking in Task Manager about "hung apps".. Problem is, when I get these "AppHang" prompts, the entire computer is locked-up until it (by itself) shuts-down and reboots..

You asked about my Temps.. tho answered above, I just want to reiterate.. Yes, I can monitor several Internal Temps.. At THIS moment, I'm running 37C/98F on the CPU and 36C/96F on the MoBo. CPU Fans 1&2 are running at 45F/113F (these temps are different than the actual Cooler CPU Temp) Chassis Fan#1 is also at 45C/113F. Chassis Fans 2 and 3 are not recorded. The ONLY thing running, right now, is my Computer (Case) and two of the three monitors (which could affect Comp temps because of additional demand.)

You mention if I "can run Autoruns" so you can look at the log.. I do not know what an "Aurorun" is.. other than a command to start an install from a CD...

I will Copy/Print ALL the replys from you and the FS Guys, I will open, read and digest the links you sent, hopefully they will be enlightening and help solve my issue..

Thank You, Very Much, for the detailed reply.. I am still digesting ALL the replys the guys sent.. It is greatly appreciated.



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There is one thing that will cause problems no matter what OS or FSX or Acceleration you install. These 'steps' are required: (1). REBOOT of PC after Win 7 install. (2). Install FSX Deluxe, REBOOT of PC, start FSX and fly for 1 minute, quit FSX. (3). Then install Acceleration, REBOOT PC, start FSX and fly for 1 minute, quit FSX. NOW Windows 7 and FSX are 'in sync'. Reboots are easy and set up registry, etc. So after change(s) to either Win 7 or FSX REBOOT for the changes to 'take'. Good luck with installing. Look at my specs. I get 30 fps (I suggest set to 30 fps (locked) and NOT 'unlimited') with FSX Accel.

Chuck B


Edit: Oh yeah, be sure to set FSX Res to what ever is the 'native' Res of your MONITOR for best results with FSX & Graphics.

i7 2600K @ 3.4 Ghz (Turbo-Boost to 3.877 Ghz), Asus P8H67 Pro, Super Talent 8 Gb DDR3/1333 Dual Channel, XFX Radeon R7-360B 2Gb DDR5, Corsair 650 W PSU, Dell 23 in (2048x1152), Windows7 Pro 64 bit, MS Sidewinder Precision 2 Joy, Logitech K-360 wireless KB & Mouse, Targus PAUK10U USB Keypad for Throttle (F1 to F4)/Spoiler/Tailhook/Wing Fold/Pitch Trim/Parking Brake/Snap to 2D Panel/View Change. Installed on 250 Gb (D:). FS9 and FSX Acceleration (locked at 30 FPS).
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Go to the start menu and enter "view all problem reports." Double click on the events as you see them and post here what they are. Sounds like some process or dll, driver, etc is causing the app hangs.


Do you have your backup USB hard drive plugged in while you use your computer?


What is the make and model of the PSU and how old is it?

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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Chuck, with all due (and considerable) respect, you have it slightly wrong.


When installing FSX, at the end of the install a flight with the Ultralight launches automatically. It is this flight that you need to fly for about a minute, then quit FSX. Now reboot. Install Acceleration, and the end of this installation another flight with the Ultralight launches. Fly this for about a minuite, then quit FSX. Now reboot the PC again.



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fsx will often crash if you have a panel open on a 2nd screen and then go from Fullscreen to Windowed. (and back)

My assumption on this. This is a graphics problem. FUllscreen sort of takes over the video ouput. Hands it back to Windows, and there's nowhere for the stored panels and outside views to get stored. After trying to go back to WIndowed, one part (WIndows??) seems to know something needs to go to the second screen, but the other party (fsx??) does not know what to place there. (maybe the fsx?? and windows?? should be swapped in that sentence, not sure.)

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........... I did research the "uiautomationcore.dll" issue, even deleted the "stock" DLL for the suggested earlier version (forget the number off-hand), Sorry to say, it made NO difference in my issues............


Hi Chas,


What, exactly, do you mean by this statement?


Did you:


A. Delete the 'stock' file from the system or system32 folders and placed a copy of the 'earlier' version in its place.


B. Leave the system/system32 folders alone and placed the file in the ROOT directory of FSX and saw no change.


If A - very BAD practice and may be the result of many of the 'apphangs' you are experiencing. The 'stock' version of the file found in these locations are specific for the version of Windows you are running and many installed apps will rely on it to function correctly.


If you saved a copy of the original 'stock' file before replacing then simply put it back in place overwriting the older version if it is still installed. If you have not got a copy of the original stock item then you can try to restore it by running what is called the System File Check (SFC) utility - SFC scans the integrity of all protected operating system files and replaces incorrect, corrupted, changed, or damaged versions with the correct versions where possible.


To run SFC go to start > run, type CMD and click OK.

The resulting window should show an entry similar to this - C:\Users\youracctname>

Type cd\ and hit enter - this will take you back to the C:\ prompt

To start SFC type one of the command lines listed below and hit enter


If you just want to verify only type sfc /verifyonly (note the space between sfc and /) - using this option no changes will be made if errors are found and when it has finished it will display a list of any errors found.


If you want to find and repair errors type sfc /scannow (again note the space between sfc and /) - using this option the program will automatically attempt to repair any errors found. At the end of the process one of the following messages will be displayed:


Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.

Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and repaired them.

Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some (or all) of them.


Note: The process can take a long time to run and may seem to have stalled - it hasn't just wait until you get the one of the messages stated above. If is also worth noting that, if multiple problems are found, you may have to run the utility several times to fix all the problems.


Once SFC has run its course reboot the PC and then test.


You can then retry using the older versions of the uiautomationcore.dll to resolve your FSX specific issues. Place the file in the ROOT folder of FSX - i.e. at C:\FSX - and NOWHERE else.




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WOW... More Info.. "Overload!!" ;-}

Seriously, I appreciate ALL the help..

I'll reply to each, below..


Chuck B (NapaMule)

Hey, Chuck.. Haven't chatted with you in a helluva long time.. (still hustling NAPA parts? ;-}, or have you retired, by now??)

I will try your "Start-up/Boot/Reboot" sequence.... And, Jorgen, I'll use your version, as well..

Tho, I must inject, when I used XP and XPx64 for my FS9 and FSX Flight Simming, I NEVER had to "do a jig, holding a dead cat, turning to the left three times then back to the right three times" before I started flying.. I loaded my flight program, installed my addons (UT, A2A Planes & Paints and FS Dl'ed Add-On Planes), punched the "Go" button and away I went... Did Multiplayer for a couple of years, as well.. all of us flying B-17's, each with a different paint.. made for a LOT of B-17's being loaded-up ;-}



I'm still "reading-up" on the "homework assignments" you gave me (I'm not an engineer type, just a nutbustin' mechanic! ;-} ) So, I'll need some time to study this stuff.. I will, however, do the "Start>"View All Problem Reports>Double-Click Events" and see what's to be seen.. I can post in plain Engrish, but I never learned to "Zip" a file (I still have trouble zipping my pants!! ;-} )

I do NOT have a USB HDD Back-Up.. I DO have an eSATA External Hard-Drive Dock.. It is used like any other drive in the computer.. not as a "replacement" HDD... I could install Flight Sim program, but cannot install an Operating System. This unit is "suppose to be" Hot Swapable, but I just don't do things like that, so to operate, I insert an HDD, turn on the unit, add/remove/view files, pictures, etc. by opening the drive just like opening a CD or ZIP Disc.. When finished, I "close" any windows associated to the "remote" HDD, turn-off the unit, THEN, after a few seconds (usually longer), I then remove the HDD and replace it into it's protective case.

As to the "Make and Model" of my computer.. it's a "Bishop Special".. built it myself.. Okay, I assembled (stuffed) the component parts into a large "Server Case" and it works (mostly) ;-} The MoBo and CPU are "Matched", I cannot use a different type AMD CPU, it must be one of the higher powered FX Series CPUs. I'm trying to recall "when" I built this unit, I can only say, it's been "a while ago".. I can say this much.. the FX-8150 Eight Core 3.6GHz CPU was fairly new on the market, at the time. As far as the Power Supply Unit goes, it is equally as "old", I don't recall the brand, but I believe it's a 1000watt unit (I know I used a RocketFish 1000watt at one time, but don't recall if I changed it, or not).

I will add, from what I have read, so far, in the info (links) you sent, is about "killing" all those damn programs that, uselessly, run "in the background": These things have been a thorn in my side since Win98!

To "il88pp".. When I "start" a flight (nearly always in the A2A B-17), I start the plane "Dark & Cold"! The first things I do is to configure my "views", that is, I "undock" the Co-Pilot's View and move it to my center monitor. I undock any "maps" radio stack, other flight info, and move it to my Right monitor. I use my Left monitor for the Pilot's view. Given the co-dependence between pilot and co-pilot in the B-17, I must be able to "access" flight controls from both pilot and co-pilot views. I use the "Hat" switch on my Yoke to "look around" in each "seat". If you are not familiar with the A2A B-17G, one pretty much HAS to "fly" this bird EXACTLY as it was done in 1944. It is required that one possess, and Use, the USAAF 1944 Issue of the "Pilot Training Manual for the Flying Fortress".. I have, and use, my Dad's original book! I also have all his "Form Fives" and I "learned" to fly just as the Army Air Corps taught the cadets.. starting (in my Dad's case) in Cuero, Texas, flying the PT-17's.. It has been fun replicating most of his flights in the same "type" aircraft. I've tried the B-29 like Dad flew at the tail-end of WWII as well as the C-119's he flew during Korea (we had, in the family, his map of the Sea of Japan and Korea that showed the "K-Bases" used at the time)

Jorgen; Hi, again.. To answer you, Yes, I updated ALL my Drivers after I got a (to the best of my knowledge) "stable" version of Win7x64 installed, then I installed my add-on programs.

Also, just an FYI, I have NEVER even attempted to fly that "Air Tricycle" in the sim.. thought about it once in RL, then I remembered all my broken bones, metal plates, etc. from racing motorcycles for ten years (three as an AMA Class C Professional).. including my Crushed C-4 and Fractured C-5!! I do like "flying my desk", tho ;-}



As to my "UIA...dll" comment.. As I was having these "problems" with my O/S/FSX, I "searched" (Bing) for information on the problem.. I read about the UIA...dll issue, I read about "How" to go about "changing" the Dll file.. I did know enough to know one cannot just "replace" a system "Dll File", and read, that it is deleted from the system BUT it must be "reinstalled" into the C:\FSX folder. That did nothing to help my issue.

By now, I have "R&R" (Remove & Replace.. an old mechanic's term) the Win7x64 and FSX programs so many times, I am positive that whatever changes I made along the way, are long gone and I'm back to "as loaded from Disc's" in my Hard-Drive. I Have run SFC a couple of times, all reporting, basically, no issues found. (I forget the exact wording.. I've slept since then.. ;-} ).

Since I wrote my initial post to the FSX Group, I have NOT Run my Flight Sim.. mostly because I'm trying to study-up on "how" to perform the "tests" (for lack of a better word) that "CJR" recommended.. They are a bit above my pay-grade, but I hope to figure them out and see if they can tell "us" (the collective "WE") something about my issue. I must note, while I have NOT suffered any "AppHangs" since not using FSX, I HAVE noticed what I'll call "Time Lags".. that it, in the case of writing an e-mail, once-in-a-while, I cannot move the cursor or "back space" to make a correction.. these "stalls" only last a second or three, but they DO give me pause (no pun intended!)


Gentlemen (and Ladies, if present);

I wish to Thank ALL of you for your contributions to the effort to trying to help me with my problem.. I am humbled by the number of folks contributing. My forte, for the better part of forty years, has been the repair of new (then '67-'70) automobiles, before that, the care and feeding of motorcycles from 90cc "Ring-Bings" to 1200cc (74CuIn) Knucklehead and Panhead Harley Davidson Hawgs, as well as the repair and restoration of antique and classic automobiles. Because of my "Mechanical Ability", I learned to "build" myself a computer, after my son got married (ten years ago), I built them their first computer.. and when I "upgrade" mine, I upgrade my son's, as well. BUT, I know NOT about all the "Ones and Zeros" inside these mystical boxes.. Thus, y'all assistance is MORE than Greatly Appreciated, I could not make these boxes run without your help. Thank You, one and all!

I will post any updates (or setbacks) as they happen..


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Try if fsx works with the default planes. If it does, the problem night be the a2a.


Alt+Enter switches between fullscreen and windowed. Doing that with panels open on screen 2 can (will) cause a crash.


Try flights using just one screen. To see if that works without crashes.


I'm not saying you shoul fly the ultralight. I'm saying you should have that as default flight and not an old saved cold and dark one.

If something is wrong with that cold and dark saved flight every flight you do will cause crashes.

Reset fsx to have the default flight in the setup window when starting fsx. Do that before you do any of the tests I listed above.


I'll post a link in a minute to a thread that explains how to set the startup flight to default.

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Go to the start menu and enter "view all problem reports." Double click on the events as you see them and post here what they are. Sounds like some process or dll, driver, etc is causing the app hangs. ?


CRJ; Sent you PM about these Reports... ChasB

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Try if fsx works with the default planes. If it does, the problem night be the a2a.


Alt+Enter switches between fullscreen and windowed. Doing that with panels open on screen 2 can (will) cause a crash.


Try flights using just one screen. To see if that works without crashes.


I'm not saying you shoul fly the ultralight. I'm saying you should have that as default flight and not an old saved cold and dark one.

If something is wrong with that cold and dark saved flight every flight you do will cause crashes.

Reset fsx to have the default flight in the setup window when starting fsx. Do that before you do any of the tests I listed above.


I'll post a link in a minute to a thread that explains how to set the startup flight to default.



Slightly ahead of you on this, just a different default plane.

During one my "many" total reinstalls, I ONLY loaded Win7x64 and FSX with NO Addons.. I flew the FSX default DC-3 (military version).. I loaded the DC-3 to KNFW (the former Carswell AFB in Fort Worth) One attempt the system "hung-crashed" AS I was starting the engines!! Another attempt (with a re-installed FSX) the system hung-crashed on take-off and a third attempt I was able to take-off north-bound, turned west then south, making a left-hand circuit, went well past the south-end of the airbase, made a 180. lined-up for a visual approach.. Brought the DC-3 in, rolled-out and just short of a taxi-way, the system "hung-crashed"..

I might note, someone mentioned that FSX ALWAYS opens with the AirTrike.. Yes, it is visible when one opens "Free Flight" BUT on several of the latest occasions my sim started with the AirTrike "In-Flight".. I had to scramble to prevent an aircraft crash!.. I set the "Default" plane to the DC-3 in "Dark & Cold" mode.. Now FSX will open as it should, but showing the DC-3.. but a "new issue" has cropped-up (whick I'll deal with later). In "Settings>Controls", under "Control Axes" (sic), my Yoke, Rudder, TQ's USE to be listed by name.. That is "Yoke", "Rudder Pedals", "Throttle Quadrant".. NOW the listing is: "3 axis 0 button Joystick", "5 axis 12 button joystick with hat switch" and my Throttle Quadrants are: "3 axis 9 button joysticks"...

Any quick idea what caused this "name change"?? Or am I just that lucky??

Like I said, I'll get into this at a later time, once the "AppHang" issue is settled.. but I'm curious if this is a known issue, or not..

I'll check-out the link momentarily.. Thanks


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close fsx.

Open the fsx.cfg file



change it to:



Now fsx won't open with the plane flying, but with the setup menu instead.



Also set the flight to default, by changing in FSX.cfg file:

Situation="personal default flight"





close and save fsx.cfg file.


Now fsx will start with opening screen.

Preset flight is ultralight in air.


Select an Airport as start location. Now the plane will start on ground instead.

Also select time, date, set up weather.



Yes, setting up a flight every time is tedious. But it works. It prevents any errors in a saved flight messing up every fligth you do.


Btw, the way to fix the issue is the "situation =" line. Trying to get out of it by simply flying a new flight and saving that as default.... will have those same errors still in it.:) so that doesn't fix a thing.


(I re-read your post, and see the last part may not be needed. I'll just leave it in.)

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