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Help with getting FSX:SE back to default.

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I've had FSX:SE ever since the game was released. I bought it as a boxed CD and didn't download it from STEAM.


Over the years I have acquired many freeware addons like aircrafts and scenery. However whilst I haven't had any issues with these it has become too cluttered and I wish to go back to FSX:SE as it was as a default game.


I've tried a simple un-install and re-install but I still have all my freeware content.


Is there any way to un-install the game and re-install it so that I can have the default FSX:SE?




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Are you sure that you have FSX-SE. AFAIK there are no 'boxed' versions of the SE version - only a digital download version direct from the Steam server. You can buy the Steam version from many vendors other than directly from the Steam website but it is in the form of a serial/activation code only - you must still go to the steam site and download the product..


You can easily ID what version of FSX you have when you start it - both the start/loading splash screen and the main landing page will tell you which version you have.


WRT to getting a clean default install - best option would be to remove all of the addons manually, either by deleting or using the move/paste option to a location outside of FSX before running the uninstall process. You can remove them by selecting individual addon folders or take a more easier route by deleting all of the contents of FSX default folders that are likely to contain elements of addons - i.e. Addon Scenery, Effects, Gauges, Simbojects, Modules,


After running the uninstaller you will most likely be left with straggler files/folders that will need to be deleted manually, or backed up to a safe location if required (for example the current logbook.bin file so that you can keep your current flight hours record) - straggler files/folders will most likely be found in the following locations


The main FSX folder




Reboot, run a registry cleaner (such as CCleaner) to clean out any old FSX related registry keys that maybe left behind, reboot and then install. After the install is complete start FSX and test. Once happy that all is well make a backup of the complete FSX folder and store it somewhere safe. This is for the following reason - if you want to carryout a clean install again all you will need to do is delete the current contents (i.e. all of the sub- folders/files) of the current FSX folder and then copy the contents of the backup copy into the FSX folder.




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Probably best to uninstall payware first. From "Add/Remove Programs" or with their uninstallers.

If yo don't uninstall payware and only remove files, it may be hard to reinstall it. (The installers will think it is already installed).


After that is all uninstalled, follow the steps here:


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..........Probably best to uninstall payware first. .............


After that is all uninstalled, follow the steps here:



You are correct WRT this if any payware is installed. I left it out simply because the OP has stated that he/she only has freeware addons installed and it is these that are causing the issue.


WRT the Steam link - If the product brought is, as claimed, a 'boxed' version of the SE version, the OP may be able to follow the instructions in the link to initiate an install/rebuild.. But as stated in my opening para I have my suspicions that the OP does not have the SE version. It may be that the OP has got a bit confused WRT the versions available and has got a Gold boxed edition - SE is based on this version with a few tweaks and much of the info out there about the SE version makes reference to this.


@ BLR-PS - as indicated in (and further to) my original post on you can ID the version of FSX you have by what displayed on the opening slpash screen and at the top left hand corner of the settings pages as follows:


Standard/Delux - Microsoft Flight Simulator X is displayed.

Gold Edition or Standard/Delux version with the Acceleration pack added - Microsoft Flight Simulator X Acceleration is displayed.

Steam Version - Microsoft Flight Simulator X Steam Edition is displayed.




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