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Trouble getting airborne...


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I've bought X-Plane and am trying to get it working on my MacBook, but have run into two snags:


1. X-Plane won't recognize my CD FlightSim Yoke and Pedals. I go through all the calibration steps and it seems to be working as each axis control moves appropriately, but at the last step, after I let the controls center, the timer runs out OK, but when I click "Finish" - nothing happens. The button flickers, but stays lit - and the calibration settings are not registered and saved; when I move the yoke and pedals, nothing happens. What is the problem?


2. I also get the message:

"Your rendering options are set too high. X-Plane can't run in real time with the current settings. Minimum frame rate hasn't been achieved in over a minute."


What, exactly, am I supposed to do about this message?


Any help would be appreciated. I really want to fly this sim.



Dr. K.

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