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TrackIR 5 Not Working With FSX


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So I did a search hear on TrackIR and only found one post and it was one person asking and answering his/her own question. I just installed version 5.4.2 which is the latest software for TrackIR 5 and everything works as it should until I start FSX, then, nothing. Unfortunately I don't have another program that uses the software but since it seems to work fine and tracks the movement quite well in it's own software, I think the device is working properly. I even see the second green light on the camera which is supposed to come on when a program is opened that works with TrackIR.


Can anyone help me with this program?

Thank you.


Hi Folks,


In P3D we need to install the simconnect utilities that come with the P3D installation - does that apply in FSX ?


I also run TrackIR as “administrator” - could it be a permission thing ?






Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Are you using Track clip or Trackpro. Make sure that in the software it has the correct tracking target box clicked.


When you are not in a game the lights that should be on is the light at the top of the "camera". When your in a game, the top light and also a blue light at the bottom of the camera should be on.




Well I'm embarrassed to say that this was totally my fault. I didn't notice that there were more than on Cockpit view window open because they were on top of each other. I was in ONE of the cockpit views but not the right one. When I noticed this and closed the second window, things started working again. I had never had that happen before so I just didn't even think about looking for it. I happened to see that there were two windows with the same view when I clicked in the View tab and figured it out. Thanks for your help. I didn't think of the game updates. Also, I don't remember having to install the simconnect utilities so FSX may have just done that on it's own.


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