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Where Win10 puts edited cfg files


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I have looked through the first 16 pages of comments in this FS2004 forum and didn't see the issue addressed. Possibly because it is a Win10 issue and not an FS2004 problem.


I haven't been simming for a while as my computer just didn't have enough horsepower to run it without a slide show. After a few years of using an iMac and not simming (I don't want to install a shell to windows on the iMac), I broke down and got a new box that came with Win10 and reloaded FS2004. (May I just call it FS9?) I'm not interested in opinions on the quality or value of Win10, I just wonder if there is a work around for the following issue.


I install aircraft and they work just fine in FS9. However, if I do any config changes in the aircraft.cfg file, they didn't show up in the FS9 select aircraft box. When I reopened the aircraft.cfg file, the changes I made were there. I attempted to repaint some textures, I use FSPaint from Abacus, the textures all come out fine in the FSPaint program, but don't show up in the sim.


I finally discovered that Win10 is placing my edited files in an obscure, to me location, under AppData/Local/VirtualStore/Program Files(x86)...blah blah..Flight Simulator9/ such that they aren't showing up in the FS, but the editing program knows/remembers where they are and when I go to edit again, the program finds them. When I copy the files from this "VirtualStore" location to the proper place in the FS9 file structure, things work as I am expecting them to work.


Anyone have a solution for such a problem? How to get the files to go back to the location they were when I opened them for editing? Is this some kind of Windows security thing to keep files in the program files folder from becoming corrupted? I wonder if it is a result of installing the FS9 in program files folder rather than having done the initial FS into a folder off the root; i.e., C;\FS9?


Thanks in advance and I hope this is an appropriate place to pose this question.



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I wonder if it is a result of installing the FS9 in program files folder rather than having done the initial FS into a folder off the root; i.e., C;\FS9?

In a word, YES!

No doubt. Beyond question. Affirmative. Aye-aye. SIR, yes SIR!

Need I go on? :D :rolleyes: :p ;)


Windoze always seems to have problems with stuff installed in \Program Files or \Program File(X86), and the situation got worse with Win10.

What seems to work for your type of case is to copy the file you want to edit to the desktop, edit your heart out, save, then copy it back. Remember to make a back-up of the original file before doing ANY editing.


An alternative is to completely uninstall FS9, and re-install it in a folder away from those two folders. Takes a bit of effort, but, IMHO, it's the better way. Just my opinion, for what it's worth.


By the same token, there are those who say they install to the two evil folders without any problems at all. You'll have to decide.


This works for aircraft.cfg, Panel.cfg, etc. Pretty much any file you edit with a text editor. Even .air files, and you will get into them eventually, wait and see. Remember, never, ever use a word processor program, as they add symbols to the file that render it useless to the sim. Only use NotePad, or NotePad++. Things like that. Same for the FS9.cfg, and so on.


Have fun!



Had a thought...then there was the smell of something burning, and sparks, and then a big fire, and then the lights went out! I guess I better not do that again!

Sgt, USMC, 10 years proud service, Inactive reserve now :D

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Thank you Pat for the response.


Since I've only had FS2004 installed for a couple of days now, I suppose it would be best for me to just uninstall and install to a C:\FS9 folder.


I have used Notetab (free version) for years and really like it. I edit html files and all sorts of things with it without it ever causing a problem. In fact, that is how I discovered where win10 was putting my files after edit. There is a setting in Notetab to make a back up copy of files, default extension of bak. I searched for all bak files and was finally directed to the "virtual store" location.


Anyway, thanks. I'll see what happens after a reinstall.



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No need to reinstall at all!

All you need to do is to copy the whole Flight Sim folder, from where it was installed, My Programs, or wherever, then paste that folder into your main C:\ directory.


Then... Download the Flight1 registry repair tool, run it to tell the registry where the new FS9.exe is.


Lastly, delete the FS9 shortcut on your desktop, as it refers to your original FS9.exe, then go to you newly copied Flight Sim folder, right click on the FS9.exe and send to desktop.


It's actually quicker to do than to explain. I've done it many times, without any issues at all, and it saves the heartache of uninstalling. You will probably have to reinstall any payware stuff into the new location.


You can delete the original sim install. I've moved my original install to a portable drive, so I have a full backup of my install, including my favorite planes and scenery.

After editing anything, such as cfg's, do a save as, not just a save.

PM if you need any advice.

Good luck,


(Cape Town, South Africa)


Cape Town, South Africa

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Too late!


I reinstalled in the C:\FS9 folder and everything is working great. Since I didn't have a lot installed previously, it didn't take all that long to get it up and running. Runs super now.


Robin, thanks for the tip. I probably would have been faster, but the deed was done before I got to your post. I looked at the Flight1 site and searched for a registry repair tool and didn't find anything.



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The registry Repair tool can be found in the library right here at Flightsim.

Take a look at THIS LINK. That'll take you straight to it.


Hope this helps a little bit...



Had a thought...then there was the smell of something burning, and sparks, and then a big fire, and then the lights went out! I guess I better not do that again!

Sgt, USMC, 10 years proud service, Inactive reserve now :D

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