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Hello, i have problem with my fsx. When during flight im using menu, for example to change view, sometimes fsx crash, for 5 sec showing that loading and there is no sound, after 5 seconds the sound is back, but view is frezen, and after 15 second fsx shut down, and thats it. but it happen sometimes, its random :/ So if you can please help

Im using: fsx steam edition

Addons: rex4 enchanted ediiton with soft clouds.


Computer spec:


Amd 3 1200 overlocked to 3.9 GHZ

Gtx 1060 3 gb

Asus prime B350-plus

8 gb ram, crucial (2666mhz)


I think with specification is wonderful, because im using ultra high setting, computer is 3 days old and there is no heat, when cpu is using 100% temperature cpu is 59 celcius, but normalu 30 celcius.

So mayby its problem with folders where is fsx?



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