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Hello, I am trying to get a tailhook to function in an iris tornado. there is one in the aircraft .cfg and i have put hooks on other planes but cant get it to work in this case. I cant seem to toggle it. Any help would be appreciated.


thx MAZ43

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I have the funny feeling you're confusing the [Tailhook] section in the aircraft.cfg with the tailhook's animation.

The one has NOTHING to do with the other. The animation, and usually and the actual tailhook values, are taken care of in the .mdl file.

The actual functioning of the tailhook, and it's associated values, can be over-ridden by the values in the aircraft.cfg, but it will still have nothing to do with the animation. You can put a [Tailhook] section into the aircraft.cfg for any plane, but unless it's taken care of in the .mdl fiile, you won't see a tailhook. It'll work fine, if you get the values for that particular plane set correctly, but you won't actually see anything dangling out of the plane's...ummm...hinder end.


I can help you get the values set for the hook correctly for your plane, but unless you have access to the original developer's .mdl information, and permission to alter it, there's no hope for the animation.


Does that help at all?



Had a thought...then there was the smell of something burning, and sparks, and then a big fire, and then the lights went out! I guess I better not do that again!

Sgt, USMC, 10 years proud service, Inactive reserve now :D

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I am only concerned about catching the wire. Ive modded alot of planes for carrier ops but this one wont work. I use a tailhook light from virtavia f4 and when hook is down the light goes on. The tornado hook doesnt catch wires and the hook down light wont activate. Not sure how to fix it.

Thanks, Maz

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I am trying to get a tailhook to function in an iris tornado


It would be nice to know which Iris Tornado, and the contents of its [tailhook] section.


I downloaded and installed the F.Mk 3 with VC, and that one has a functional tailhook animation (works with Q). Will fly some traps with it tomorrow if you want.



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Hello, I am trying to get a tailhook to function in an iris tornado. there is one in the aircraft .cfg and i have put hooks on other planes but cant get it to work in this case. I cant seem to toggle it. Any help would be appreciated.


thx MAZ43




normal_pressure = 3000.0 //PSI


in the aircraft..cfg and see if that works ..



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Hi, Rob!

Always good to hear from such a super-pro :D

I don't why I always forget the [hydraulic] section. Sometimes that's all it takes, you're absolutely right. As usual :)

I guess I always think it's already correct, and I can move on...



Another thing you can try is to change this line in the [Tailhook] section of the aircraft.cfg:


tailhook_position=-60.30, 0.0, -1.23, // longitudinal, lateral, vertical positions from datum


by making the 3rd number more negative. Doesn't have to be a big change. Try 0.5 at a time, so the above example would wind up as -1.73. Then try a few traps to see if there's any change. We all bolter a few times. Now and then. Ahem... :rolleyes:


Alternatively, you can try changing this line in the [Tailhook] section:


tailhook_length=4 ;(feet)


Try increasing it by 1, for example.



I would try Rob's idea first, though. He's usually right on the money.


Good fortune to you!



Had a thought...then there was the smell of something burning, and sparks, and then a big fire, and then the lights went out! I guess I better not do that again!

Sgt, USMC, 10 years proud service, Inactive reserve now :D

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Thanks for the help-trappin wires now. Turned out hydraulic pressure in aircraft .cfg.

was at 0 now at 3000. tried the F.Mk 3 out-nice add on.

I do alot of .cfg editing and the hyd pressure fix worked on some other planes that wouldnt work otherwise. :)

Thanks again,


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Ok, glad that the hyd. fix solved it.

Without the hyd., the tailhook wont lower (allthough the Tailhook Handle itself works Ok)


If you still have problems sometimes, try to fiddle with the values in the tailhook section.

Especially important: the tailhook length and vertical position; the latter depends strongly of the aircraft type.

Ideally,the tailhook should stick out below the wheels (in the air), so when sitting on the deck it should be 60 -80 % extended.

Although some (addon) trapping software don't seem to care .



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Another little trick I discovered, and darned if I recall where, but if your plane swerves and/or tips on it's side, even when you are very close to right on the centerline of the angle, is to increase the horizontal position somewhat. Like if it's 45, try making it 50. It really makes a difference.

I think I heard about that trick from something I read by Milton Shupe. But it may well have been Rob. I have the worst darn memory... :mad:


All this is presuming the gear settings in the [Contact_Points] are correct. But that's a whole nother kettle of fish. If you like fish, of course. :D


Have fun, and good traps to ya!



Had a thought...then there was the smell of something burning, and sparks, and then a big fire, and then the lights went out! I guess I better not do that again!

Sgt, USMC, 10 years proud service, Inactive reserve now :D

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