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FSX, landing the, Boeing 737. on Hope, grass airfield.


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In 1972, Boeing held a demonstration, to show their 737 capability, by landing on a grass runway, Hope Air Park, in BC Canada. Landings were made on 25 and take off was on 07 and several runs were made on dry and wet grass.The runway had to be regraded at Boeing expense, but the trials were a success. I don't know the exact approach route, so I have been trying different possibilities, but short final was over the house, seen on the right of the picture. Good exercise for hand flying the 737-200. 2 approaches are shown.



The video shows that a 737 couldn't have done it this way, with an approach as steep as this and that is because the default FSX, has the runway fixed out of position, too close to the foot of the mountain. I have now moved it to its correct position and will redo the video.




Hope Airpark, has now been moved to its correct position. The default airpark is shown in the foreground, with the new runway moved about 4,000' West. This was a first trial with the 737, which gives a much better and realistic approach. All detail has now to be added, using ADEX 175







@ Dempr0.


Captain Sim B-737-200. Highly recommended, for those that want no pc nav, no auto throttle and a simple AP. Great hand flyer or ILS, which needs some work to keep on track. I use it for the shorter rough airports for which it was intended. 5*****.










Hope Airpark is my 1st airport build, using Airport Design Editor. This grass runway has correct positioning of all boundaries and buildings, airplane parks etc. and is 99% completed. Hope was the scene of a Boeing publicity event. which was staged in Sept. 1972, to get sales of their new 737 moving. I've recreated it here, with the Captain Sim 737-200, in the correct Boeing house livery and profile gleaned from studying a film of the event. CAUGA intersection and NDB HE 245.0 is used for approach to 07. Vref + 10 = 125 kts. at 75,000 lbs landing weight. No reverse thrust allowed. CAVOK, nil wind.







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