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Modified AFCAD not showing.


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I used ADE165 to add a parking spot to EGNO Warton, I put it in the Addon Scenery/Scenery folder but it isn't showing.

I've edited lots of AFCADs in FS2004 using the old afcad program and they have always shown up.

I was wondering if the file extension is the cause, the file came out as EGNO_ADE_CR.ad4

Is the ad4 the problem, I thought they should have a different extension?


Also some say don't put anything in the addonscenery put it outside the sim and direct FSX to it, how does that work?

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After I compiled it saved it to the addonscenery/scenery, fired up FSX...


When doing that, you should see a message "Generating Scenery Indexes for..." or similar. If not, something went wrong with the compiling, or addonscenery/scenery (sic) is no active scenery folder on your install.



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Hi Col,


As Wim has pointed out, if the files are not showing then the folder that they are located in is probably not activated. It is probable that when you compiled the airport and was prompted for a location you may have inadvertently mis-spelt the folder name - if the folder is not present then it would have been created by ADE so that it could store the compiled file. The default FSX folder is named Addon Scenery and not AddonScenery so this may be the cause of your problem. If you have two folders listed (Addon Scenery and AddonScenery) I would move the scenery files into the Addon Scenery/\scenery folder and delete the AddonScenery folder


WRT other alt files for EGNO - I'm currently using one by MAIW. If you go to their website and search the library using the keyword Warton it will list the packages that contain it. The package with the latest release date will contain the latest version of the AFCAD. Note that MAIW usually update the parking coding of their stuff to accept other 'traffic' from their newer packages that contain aircraft types that may be seen at the airfield in question hence there are often multiple versions of an specific AFCAD available.


Things to note.....


The scenery (and associated AI traffic files) is FS2004 - however this can be made to work in FSX by:


A. Removing any .bgl files that have VTPX, VTPP and LWM2 in the title. Note not all of MAIW scenery have these files so the package you choose may not have them. Basically, these files are ground texture place holders that at best don't show in FSX and at worst will cause display issues.


B. You will need to also download the latest MAIW Objects Library. This is available in both FS2004 and FSX versions. The FSX library is basically an updated version of the FS2004 library with all textures converted to FSX. It works ok with the base FS2004 AFCAD files as it contains the same objects (using the same object names and GUIDs) as the FS2004 lib so it the best one to use. The FS2004 version can be used if you wish BUT you will notice some anomalies such as incorrectly displaying buildings (for example views ok from overhead but does not show walls at ground level) and, most notably, problems with the tress (when viewed overhead they look like a X and at ground level they look like a picture stuck to a cardboard box, with the box cutting out the view of what is behind it).


C. If you want to use the included AI traffic file it will need to be converted to FSX format.


The final tip is one that you will need to get more familiar with ADE before attempting. In many cases you can improve the overall look of the scenery by adding at least one, and sometimes two, Terrain Polygons.


The first to add would be a Airport Background - Flatten Exclude Autogen poly. This will flatten the airport area and remove any FSX autogen object that may be displayed.


The second one would be a Landclass poly. This allows you to place various types of background to the airport area such generic airfields grass based backgrounds to forests etc.


In essence, polys are relatively easy to add and, if you use the ADE option to create separate .bgl files for the various elements, the polys will be created in a separate file which will contain a CVX element as part of the main file name.




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Hi Brian, I'm registered with MAIW as you may know already, I will have a look thank you.


I just checked and my folder is Addon Scenery with the subs Scenery & Texture, in the Scenery the AFCAD is there and it has the extention .bgl


I wouldn't be bothered for it too much but I am having a play with Air Hauler and I moved my base there and wanted a couple of parking spots.

It was my own fault because I was using Hawarden (EGNR) but I didn't like the landing following that hill down to the runway, I know I can come in the other way but sometimes it is the shorter route, so I moved base to a more open approach.

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..........Also some say don't put anything in the addonscenery put it outside the sim and direct FSX to it, how does that work?


Hi Col,


It basically works in the same way as placing scenery in the default Addon Scenery folder.


First thing to consider (and apologies in advance if I am teaching you to 'suck eggs' with this comment) is that any folder that is used to store scenery must:


A. Contain a subfolder called Scenery and, if required, one called Texture.....and


B. Be activated in FSX - i.e FSX must be told where the folder is.


WRT the default area Addon Scenery folder - When storing scenery here you have two options:


Option 1 is to place .bgl files into the Scenery subfolder (and texture related files - .bmp, .dds etc) into the Texture subfolder. As the Addon Scenery folder (and thus the two subfolders) are recognised as default FSX folders and are already activated within FSX, any scenery added should display automatically with no further action.


Option 2 is to create a new folder within the root of the Addon Scenery folder (e.g Addon Scenery\Airport XYZ) followed by the Scenery and Texture subfolders. You would then place the .bgl and .bmp files into the appropriate subfolder. However, this new folder is not recognised as part of the FSX default folder system and, therefore, would need to be activated in FSX in order for the scenery to display.


Another option would be (using the procedure at option 2) to create a new scenery structure within the root directory of FSX itself (e.g FSX\My scenery\).


WRT to placing the scenery outside of FSX - This is achieved using the method stated at Option 2. So for example, you could create a serious of folders outside of the main FSX folder (and even on a different drive if required) that meets your needs and this can be as simply or complex as you wish. It is just not scenery related files that can be stored in this manor - you could also store AI traffic files in the same manner (instead of the placing them all in the suggested default location of FSX\Scenery\World\Scenery.


FTR I have stored most of my scenery addons (both payware and freeware - less a few payware items that would only install into the FSX root directory) outside of the FSX for many years. My folder structure may be considered 'complex' by many but it suits my needs, as I have chosen to have separate folder structures for various types of scenery (basic, detailed, object libs, terrain/ground mesh, ai traffic files) and then have further expanded some of these further as required (by country or region for example).




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Hi Col,


IRT your comments made at post #7.....


I will assume that the AFCAD compile was good and that, in fact, the modified AFCAD is showing. As you earlier stated that the 'new' spot doesn't appear I am assuming that you have created it as a 'basic' or 'standard' type parking spot and that it appears as such when you use the dropdown list to display available parking spots when selecting the airport in the free flight window......


I suggest trying the following......


Open the AFCAD for editing- select the parking spot required by left clicking on it and then right click and select Edit Object from the resulting menu. In the resulting object properties info page change the Name element by clicking on the down arrow located by the current entry. A list of various 'types' will be displayed. Change it to one of the listed types by clicking on the required entry. Click OK (located at bottom left) to save the changes to the selected spot. Save and recompile the airport.


When you now look at the dropdown menu listing when selecting the airport you will see the parking slot listed as whatever you selected.


If you want to go further you can use 'Codes' section on the object properties info page to 'reserve' the parking slot for your aircraft. Simply add a unique code into the Code field and also add/amend the following line in the required aircraft's aircraft.cfg file


atc_parking_codes=your code


(e.g if your unique code is COLR then it should look like this: atc_parking_codes=COLR)


Note that this will not always guarantee that you will be directed to the spot but it does increase the chance that you will. Note also that there are many codes in use so what you pick must be unique or one that is already in use but from an airline that is not likely to show at the airport




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Hi Col,


Just to expand on my info in post #9 regarding 'reserving' parking spots.


If you use a standard 'type' spot (i.e. parking, dock or gate), you only get the option when contacting ground to request to taxi to either 'parking' or 'gate'. If you want to be more specific and increase your chances of parking in the same or specific area of the airport, amend a number of adjacent spots 'type' to one of the compass cardinal points options (e.g N_Parking or SW_Parking). When you then contact ground the option to taxi to the selected parking area will also appear in the list - e.g taxi to N_parking




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Hi Col,


Its an additional step that 'compliments' the use of the Parking code but it only affects the 'area' in which you park.


I view it as akin to attempting to replicated 'real world' parking, whereby many airports have ramp or apron designators to distinguish the various parking areas. In the sim world yo don't have that option but using the 'compass cardinal' option offers an alternative. So, for example, a real world AP may have two ramps designated Cargo A (say positioned North of the runway) and Cargo B (at the NE end of the runway). In the sim world you can replicate this by using the Type designation N_Parking and NE_Parking. Howeer, you are unable to (AFAIK) a way of using the parking name in the aircraft.cfg file.


When you apply the parking code to a gate, it means the ATC engine will attempt to direct any aircraft (be it user or AI) with the same code in its atc_parking_codes= entry to park there. Of course, how successful it is will depend on a number of other factors. These include the availability of spots (if you only have one spot with the code and another aircraft is already occupying it you will be directed to another coded/non-codded spot), the parking radius and the parking type. Any aircraft that does not have a parking code can be (and often is) directed to a coded parking slot.


BTW - the parking type that an aircraft can use can be designated in the aircraft,cfg file by using the atc_parking_types= entry. Any of the entries that are contained in the Type entry on the parking spot info page can be used


For example an entry of atc_parking_types=MIL_COMBAT will result in ATC directing the aircraft to park at a MIL_COMBAT slot (but only if any exist)




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I understand what you are saying, when I worked at Manchester EGCC I worked in the tower for a short time before I retired.

I visited a section called 'Apron Control' one day, it was next door to where I worked, the young lady on duty shown me how they allocate the gates/bays for certain aircraft.

As an example one was on finals and she had already given it a gate, I asked what would happen if you put it on a gate too small?

She shown me on her computer, she changed the gate to one that was way too small to accomodate that aircraft, as she did a red flag popped up warning of the error/danger.

Course she changed it back but it was a fail safe built in to the system, if for example as you said above a certain airliner parked on gate xx and it was occupied she would if she could put it on the next door gate, maybe because their office or apron equipment was close by.

But that is real world but we do as you do and suggest and try to replicate it as best we can.

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