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HELP! I don't want to play FSX anymore! I had to deal with a slog of problems to get it working after which I did a long, boring flight over some flat terrain at a time when I was already depressed. Now I can't play it. For some reason I don't want to play it and playing it makes me depressed. I know deep down I do want to play it but I just can't. I get very bored by it. Can anyone suggest something that will revitalize my interest in FSX? I spent quite some money on it.
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Have you tried the adventures? Collecting badges and certificates?


Nothing like slogging a long flight over flat terrain to cool anyone's heels.


If FS is depressing you, great time to take a break. Watch some Alaska bush piloting on Hulu or You Tube and you'll get your blood boiling again.


If you have a good third party weather engine, even the most boring flight plan can get interesting.


2 carrot salad, 10.41 liter bucket, electric doorbell, 17 inch fan, 12X14, 85 Dbm
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I figured out what's causing the depression. I was sick at the time I got these problems. I'm still a but sick so when I get better I'll just take a break. My mom also went on vacation to visit her parents alone for 10 days. It's hard on me as Christmas isn't just Christmas without my mom. I went to drop her off at the airport and saw her plane. FSX depresses me because of the planes. I'll try a new challenge when I get back. I'm thinking to take Christmas off and play Just Cause 2 instead. I have a friend at school who's also into planes so I will talk to him when i get back to school and watch Ice Pilots to get interest back. I asked my dad and he said that this happens to him too. He said to just do something else and it will come back. For now I'm trying to just keep my mind off the depression. When my brain comes back to aviation I'll start again. Knowing me that could be sometime next year but when I do, I know it'll be a blast. For now I'll just avoid the tears I get from FSX (Don't ask me why). Thank you so much for all the help.
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Another thing to boost the super charger is online flying in Vatsim. Not only is flying more challenging (which eats up some of the boredom) but you get to meet and fly with new friends. You get to share the excitement of discovery with them and just chat about life and unload the day's cares with people who share your interests. It can give you a reason to get up in the morning. I have met people who became life long friends.



2 carrot salad, 10.41 liter bucket, electric doorbell, 17 inch fan, 12X14, 85 Dbm
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I suggest stepping away from it for a while. Real life will quickly take over and take your mind off things. Hobbies, friends, long walks, family. Probably one day, when you're feeling better again you'll suddenly find yourself behind fsx. Untill then, just put it away. You will be welcome back anytime. Treat yourself to something nice, do that thing you always wanted to do and surround yourself with friends and family. Create happyness for you and your loved ones. I wish you well and a good new year, il88pp.
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In a TV docu about computer games, one guy who'd been playing something while wearing a 3D virtual headset said he suddenly felt "lonely" in that virtual world and stopped playing the game so he could rejoin the real world and real people.

I haven't got a 3D headset myself but I too experience the odd twinge of isolation when playing sims and games on an ordinary monitor, so perhaps the feeling is more common than we think, especially among us single unmarried guys (sniffle)

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