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Navigraph Update will not work on Vista or XP!!


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I have been using Navigraph since 2008 and have been trying Charts Cloud Beta, but was not able to install Charts Desktop Beta on my Vista PC.

When I reported this I was told that Navigraph will no longer be supporting Vista or Xp on the new version when its launched.

I dont want to carry on with Navigraph if I can only use FMC Data and Charts Cloud.


What alternatives would you suggest.


Thanks Steve Cooper

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Be sure you have admin rights for wherever you install the program, that is a common issue with Vista (due to such irritants, I disabled UAC and DEP the first week I had Vista).
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You can try to run the program by right clicking on the .exe that starts it and select run as administrator. Turning off UAC will only disable the user privilege check, not the application level access requirements.


In general if an application is written for a later version of Windows, it may not run in an earlier version if it is calling service routines in later Win versions. Some installers call routines in modules supplied with earlier versions of Windows no longer supplied in later versions and need to be installed separately. If you go to the Radar Contact forum on AVSIM, look at the pinned error 713 topic about missing dlls. That's a far shot but maybe it might work.

KMSP - Minnesota: Land of 10,000 Puddles

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Thanks all who replied, I was told by Navigraph that it would not work with Vista as there are elements that are not compatible with Vista.

When the new Navigraph is launched Charts Desktop will not work on Vista.

It now there policy that they no longer support Vista or XP.

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You said " I dont [sic] want to carry on with Navigraph if I can only use FMC Data and Charts Cloud". Why? The FMC data is used the same way it has always been. Charts requires an internet connection regardless of which client you use - what is the problem?



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In order to use Navigraph I will have to continue my subscription (9 euro month), when the new version comes live I will be unable to install Charts Desktop and I will lose my current Charts ( Lido) Desktop.

I hope I will still be able to use FMC Data, I may not if its bundled with the new Update, ( I use FMC Data Manager) and dont want to manually install every month.


I dont want to pay for a service and not get all that I am paying for.


I may do as you suggest but will look at alternatives first.


Thanks for your interest



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