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Exercises of Styles


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1. Normal

Yesterday, I took off from KORD O’ Hare and headed toward Palwaukee Municipal, intending to land. On the way I changed my mind and turned to a heading of 15, thinking to land at Midway.

Flying a Vickers Wellington of WWII, RAF Bomber Command. On the way, on autopilot, I popped my head into the astrodome on the fuselage top to look at the stars and take a reading with the sextant. Navigating by map and stars only. It was too cloudy to see the stars and I went to the map on the navigator’s desk. Heading was 15, distance xxx nautical miles. Back to the cockpit now where I disengaged the autopilot and took over control. The bomb aimer in the nose gave me xxx lbs as our bomb load and gave me a course that took into account wind drift and speed. We arrived after xxx minutes and landed without incident, heading for the airport bar in good spirits. It was a good flight.


2. Hesitant

I finally decided yesterday and took off from KORD after considering other airports and headed for Midway but changed my mind and reversed course for Palwaukee Municipal, only to change back again for Midway after 3 miles. After a few false starts, I climbed to the astrodome and tried to take a reading from the stars with the sextant. Course finding only by map and stars. 15 heading, or so it seemed, and xx nautical miles, or so it looked. The nose bomb aimer said our cookie load was around xxx lbs and dictated a course with wind drift and speed taken into consideration after a few struggles with the numbers. After about xxx minutes we landed on what we thought was the right airport and walked briskly to the bar, most of us glad to have arrived in one piece. After a lot of conversation and argument we agreed it had been a fine flight.


3. Stuttering

Yesterday, I took off from KORD O’ Hare and hea hea headed toward Pal Pal Pal Palwaukee Municipal, intending to to to land. On the way I changed my my my mind and turn turn turned to a heading of 15, thinking to land at Mid Mid Midway.

Flying a Vickers Well Well Wellington of WWII, R R R RAF Bomber Co Co Command. On the way, on au au autopilot, I po po popped my head into the as as astrodome on the fuselage top to look at the sta sta stars and take a reading with the sex sex sextant. It was too cloudy to see the sta sta stars and I went to the map on the nav nav navigator’s desk. Hea Hea Heading was 15, distance xxx nautical miles. Back to the cock cock cockpit now where I dis dis disengaged the autopilot and took over con con control. The bomb aimer in the no no nose gave me xxx lbs as our bom bom bomb load and gave me a course that too too took into account wind drift and spee spee speed. We arrived aft aft after xxx minutes and landed without in in in incident, heading for the airport ba ba ba bar in good spirits. It was a goo goo goo good flight.

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