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Fs2004 activesky evolution


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Yes, I still use it. I quite like it - it works well and can interface with programs like GEP. You get current weather or historical weather - your choice. It can also be used with FSX should you ever transition to that application.



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What do you mean "back when"? I still use both, but I have read that HiFi no longer supports ASE for FS2004. Except for the long loading time ASE is a fantastic way to depict current weather. I still use REX sky and environment textures with ASE doing the depicting of current conditions. When flying from my local airport my fsp weather looks exactly the same as looking out of the window in my computer room. There is no lag time in updating changes in weather. Rain drops on my real world window show as raindrops on my aircraft windscreen. I am curious if anyone has found a better weather app than ASE, if that is possible.


Note to OP: Have you seen the Harrier Hides add-on for FS2004? Don't tell me FS2004 is dead!

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I use Evolution, but I use the VATSIM weather servers. I was having an issue where the weather wouldn't change. I don't know why. I've had some issues with my system and I can't quite figure out what the deal is. It might have been the fact I used sysprep to transfer my current OS to the new computer from the old computer. I'm thinking about just wiping the whole damn thing and reinstalling the OS from scratch. Which means I need to back up all kinds of crap. Quite a process.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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