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CH products don't communicate with FS9 under windows 7 64


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I can no longer fly any aircraft because the CH modules don't communicate with FS9 either with or without FSUIPC.

I can calibrate the joysticks from Win 7. I've reassigned the axis for all three of my joysticks. Any help appreciated.


Michael Verlin

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Guest lavochkin
Do you have CH manger? Also try this, unplug the USB connection for all joysticks and plug them back in. Sometimes I have to do that with CH products for fs9.
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I use the CH Products yoke and pedals in FSX, although not FS9 and I I just plugged them in. I don't need modules or anything. May want to go into your devices settings in the control panel and see if they are detected.

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I have used CH yokes and pedals for several years and have never heard of or seen "modules" for them. Where are you seeing these modules? FSUIPC is a module but that's not CH.


CH manager is a controversial thing some swear it is a must have, others like myself have never used it and in this group many have reported problems using it. You should be able to get going without it. As lavochkin stated, have you tried unplugging and plugging back in? That is needed once in a while.


Now, here is what I suspect may be happening. You said "all 3 of my joysticks." I have never had much luck with multiple joysticks being plugged in at the same time. They are all trying to communicate with FS9 at the same time and that seems to confuse FS9. Which input should it listen and respond too? It results in a locked up state of doing nothing or at best, quivering the controls. Zoom in on your ailerons or elevator from outside view and observe them. Yet I have heard of a few guys being able to do it without problems but obviously you or I are not that fortunate at this point. Or some guys only plug in 1 joystick each time, using a different usb port for each stick.


So, now you know what to do right?

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I apologize for the confusing term "module" I meant the joysticks themselves. I found a newer set of drivers for the CH joysticks that restored their function. The drivers that I had before worked fine with XP, but were non-functional with Win 764. I thank you for your help.
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I've also never used the CH manager, & have also used multiple Yokes, pedals & 'sticks.

The sim just sees them as different controllers. I'm also using the paid version of FSUIPC for calibration & better & multiple key assignments. (optional, but the sim can handle multiple CHProducts stuff without it).


I've never had issues with CHProducts in Windows 7, 8, 8.1 & now Windows 10, in Fs2004, FSX & even P3D.


Cape Town, South Africa

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