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toomuchfs dot com - Gone?


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Thought I would ask this here rather than the VA forum as that doesn't seem to see much activity.


Having been a member of toomuchfs/Flight International some years ago I had a hankering to rejoin. However all the links etc. now seem to be dead, parked domain re-directs etc. I'm assuming therefore it closed down? Shame as it was a bit different, particularly flying out of South American airfields often without the luxury of ILS etc. to assist in landing. Perhaps someone would be kind enough to confirm.

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Well, welcome back!



Grtz., Hans


This was in 2007/2008 or thereabouts, but I have dived back into FS many times between then and now. FS et al tends to be something I pick up and play in between other titles. Once I start a game I tend to focus on that to the exclusion of everything else, particularly if it's story driven or you're grinding radiant missions to upgrade your character.


That's why I wanted a VA which is fairly casual, as I noted in the VA section I tried joining one recently on the grounds of it being quite laid back but on gaining access to the user manual was anything but. Toomuchfs was very casual, ISTR you didn't need to use any form of ACARS, PIREP's were submitted via a simple form and they relied on the honour system. By giving members a sense of belonging the incentive to cheat or exaggerate hours flown, cover up using accelerated time or even saving and resuming to do a longer flight wasn't a factor.

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