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Ultimate Traffic 2 Questions; Summer/Fall 2016 Schedule


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Hey, this is my first post, so I apologize if I'm beating a dead horse by asking a question that's probably already been answered. Feel free to link me to the right forum on here if one already exists. I've been frustratingly trying to deal with Flight1 to get my support forum access there, but so far it's been useless trying to reset.


Anyway, I'm running the boxed version of UT2 and bought the Summer/Fall Schedule 2016 and things have been acting crazy since. Does anyone else have an issue where long haul international flights only depart only on Sunday or Monday? This kills the realism.


Secondly, and more importantly, all of a sudden UT2 refuses to spawn any aircraft in select cities. I'm not sure why it would be only certain areas, but not others. I have zero traffic around Dallas, Phoenix, and Charleston, SC from what I've encountered so far. Busier areas like Los Angeles, New York, and Chicago still generate and run flawlessly with a 100% commercial traffic setting. General aviation traffic has always been set to zero. The status board and the printable flight schedules show no error, as if the traffic is still fully operational. I haven't been able to successfully troubleshoot this yet.


None of these issues were present in the previous summer/fall 2013 schedule. Has anyone experienced these errors, and if so, are they fixable?

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