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Stormclouds on the horizon of Flightsim world?


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... many newcomers don't want to learn anything to play a game; rather than learning navigation, engine management, fuel management, procedures, etc., they just want to hop in an airplane and "fly" over pretty scenery..


...this is indicative of a diminishing market for true sims, so there is little incentive for a developer to "go the extra mile" creating accurate, realistic physics when the majority of the market will be satisfied with arcade physics.


For as long as I can remember MSFS has incorporated 'realism' options to cater for both arcade physics and 'realistic' physics (not that MSFSims ever incorporated realistic flight physics, lets face it;-)


Its the same with racing games etc., where both novices and more experienced gamers/simmers are catered for.


Likewise with the forthcoming Flightsim World I would reckon. All ages (8 to 80), and all tastes and experience levels, will be catered for... for a small fee ;-)

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Ya know what? I could care less about any of this stuff. I'm sitting here with all the payware aircraft I'll ever need (except maybe a good Citation X), all the scenery I'll ever need, and I'm happy as a clam. After all the hours and thousands of dollars in hardware and software my sim is fine the way it is. "Better is the enemy of good enough" definitely applies here.
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...except maybe a good Citation X....


I've been quite pleased with the Eaglesoft Citation X. In fact it's a bit much for a casual flyer such as I; I use a saved flight with the plane sitting on the taxiway, engines running and all systems on, just so I can skip the ordeal of the startup procedure (the first time it took me ten minutes to figure out why the mfds didn't power up).

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I could care less about any of this stuff. ...


If you really could 'care less', then you’re actually saying that it's possible for you to care less than you care now.


Sorry, but as a UK resident it baffles me each time I come across the Catch 22 statement:

'I could care less'. ;-) Apparently its an American vs English thing....


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