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Making the Saitek Cessna Yoke smoother?


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I recently for a Saitek Cessna Yoke and overall, it's quite the improvement from a joystick. Rolling works just fine and is very smooth but the pitch control isn't as smooth as I'd like. As a result, I'm having difficulty making small changes in pitch. Quantitatively, I'm having difficulty moving the pitch control, say, 5mm or less, for precise control. Too little force and I won't move it. Too much and I end up moving the pitch control too much.


Also, what exactly is the detent people speak of? Is it how when moving the pitch control from one end to the other, through the center, there is a spot where the resistance suddenly changes such that such a motion can't be entirely smooth? If so, I have that issue too but it isn't too bothersome.

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